As skilla_statz suggested, I agree thinking in Extremes is not the way to go.
Well, we all know sports nutrition is different than general nutrition.
Simon, I was just suggesting a common source of glucose polymer. I would be much more concerned with high fructose corn syrup in just about every product made, not so much crystalline fructose. It amazing how much HFCS is in a 'normal diet.'
Warboss Alex's advice is spot on for the normal trained individual whose goal is to look and feel good, but not compete. I bet 95% of the people on the forum fall into that catergory. His advice is sound.
Yes, I'm aware that maltodextrin has Glycemic Index of 100. Post workout, is an Ideal time for high glycemic index CHOs to really promote the insulin response and drive that CHO into the muscle and liver. No Oatmeal for me post workout!
I do consume 125-150 grams high glycemic index CHO + 25-30grams protien post workout., usaully in the form of a recovery drink,pasta, rice, fruit, etc. It really helps with recovery. But again, according to my cycling powermeter, Ive done about 1200-1800 KJ of work, which translates to 1200-1800 KCALs.
In the context that celedeus described as 1 scoop protien powder/ 1 scoop glucose polymer, I'm confident that the overall glycemic index of the meal is much lower, I'd speculate a GI of 50-60, which is ok. If it makes his life easier, I'd say do it, but I would not use it to excusively to replace real foods, but as a supplement it's fine.