Can't Seal the Deal on the First Date when She Drives There


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
I'm on a vicious cold streak. In 2012, I've gone 1/15 on POF first dates. Only 1 bang and no second dates (I don't bother asking them out on second dates, and they never initiate contact with me afterwards).

I always ask girls to meet me at a pub that's a 2 minute walk from my place.

Of the 15 first dates, I only managed to bring 4 girls back to my pad. 1 girl I banged, 1 girl I managed to get into bed though no clothes came off, 1 refused to go any further than a kiss, and 1 refused any physical escalation.

Of all my online first date bangs in past years, the one commonality I've noticed is none of the girls drove to the pub (including the one I banged this year). But girls who are driving will refuse to have more than one drink, and instead of coming back to my place most will simply just walk back to their car.

I feel like girls driving is a logistical hurdle I can't overcome. Are there players who've had success with banging girls who drive on the first date from online? How do I get over this?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
No, its that you never call for a second date, and you expect sex right away and it shows. Has absolutely nothing to do with who drives and everything to do with the fact that you have a lot to learn.

Fly By Night

Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2012
Reaction score
You've rationalized your failures by blaming a fact that has nothing to do with the problem at hand. You're just making excuses. That's like saying if I take a cab to a club, I don't want to have sex with any women there. I think we need more info on what you are doing during these dates. And yes, we normally wait for the woman to text saying she had a great time, but if she doesn't, just wait a few days then plan another date. I'm sure you would have had higher numbers simply by pushing your ego to the side and confidently persisting.

Show a little bit more ambition than that.


Master Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Yes. I usually wait til I walk her to her car, then I go for the first kiss, and then tell them to come over and watch a movie. If there into the date an into the kiss it's pretty simple after that

Good luck out there! Don't let pof chicks discourage you, they're only good for one thing anyways ;)