can't help it


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
ok, here's the deal. There' s a girl at my school whom I had this past weekend went to prom with. I've known her a while (through having classes with her) and i had an AWESOME time with her at prom. She dances great, like to cut loose and have fun. She's also very very pretty. And i think i'm starting to fall for her a little. I know that oneitis is not good, but I just can't think of a girl that I would like to be with more than her. Ok I know I gotta fix this because its not the dj way. And the thing is, bout a month ago she had sex with one of my friends, but she says now that she's over him for good.
See, she has these ways that she acts that makes me kinda put her up on a pedestal. Like she's to high for my standards. I know thats not true and i'm crazy for thinking this. I would just like to make her IL more for me, w/o coming across as desperate and lonely. I wanna make her wanna hang out with me instead of the other way around. I know she has somewhat interest in me. The other nite at prom on our way back home she let me go up her dress and explore. So i know she's not slutty so she must have SOME interest for me. So how should I go about this mess.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Errm. Oneitis is NOT bad. You falling for this girl is NOT bad. Her being better than all the other chicks you know is GOOD. Stop believing all the crap you're spoonfed here.

You had an amazing time? Chances are so did she. Stop thinking only about your sad side of the event. She has an awesome impression of you too.

You're at a green light my friend. This chick wants you, period. You want this chick, period #2.

you got her this interrested, I'm sure you can do the rest alone.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by GullableJoe
thing is, bout a month ago she had sex with one of my friends, but she says now that she's over him for good.
The other nite at prom on our way back home she let me go up her dress and explore. So i know she's not slutty so she must have SOME interest for me. So how should I go about this mess.
Have you happened to read any of hte stuff that says DJ is a state of mind/guidance not a set of rules. Secondly, i like this, either she has high Interest level or shes a slut (either way your in),if you can go up her skirt. Personaly i dont like the sound of this girl but only cos my mate just got burned by one like this and he is ****ed and im not happy with it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Oneitis is NOT bad. You falling for this girl is NOT bad. Her being better than all the other chicks you know is GOOD.
