Can't Dance?

Nine Breaker

Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2001
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This is for any of you who feels that they can't dance as well as they could be doing.

I'm going to cover the main problems guys have with dancing. If there's a problem you have that I haven't covered, let me know.

1/ Shyness: Too afraid of what others will think of your moves? (or lack of 'em) DON'T BE! Most people on the dancefloor don't worry about how others are dancing - They're too busy concentrating on their moves. Usually, any attention you will get is from women who'd like to dance with you (if you do it right, that is) Sometimes a bit of alcohol can help calm you, but not too much!

2/ No moves: There is only ONE thing you need to know to get this right - IMPROVISE! Make it all up as you go along. I can improvise for over 3 hours non-stop and still be going strong with improvising - anybody can if they try it. All you need to do is feel the beat, and move to it. Move your arms, legs, and hips to the beat. It takes practice, but the more you try it, the better you get the hang of it - and the more attention you'll get from the ladies.

3/ Group or Alone?: Should you dance in a group or on your own? At a club, or around tons of strangers dancing in a group can be better - although you may find less attention from the women comes your way. On your own you have a better chance of being approached, but embarrassment can get the better of you sometimes.

4/ Clothes: Generally you want comfortable clothing you can move around freely in. At a club, wearing something that makes you stand out can grab more attention. Eg: bright colours, unique style.

That's about all I've got at the moment. Anything else I learn may find it's way here. If you know something that works - share it here.


The Human Body Is A Fragile Thing, But The Human Soul Can NEVER Be Truly Broken.