can't believe that the whole thing


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
Okay, so I know a couple months ago I mentioned a girl I've known for 6 months now, but we can't go out or anything because she lives 3 hours away from me. Well, since then we've been able to get together twice more, the last being today, about 2 hours ago.

In short, it was great. She came over, we cuddled and stuff, hung out, played pool (all us Italians have pool tables :D) and then we went for a walk. I think it played out really well, we walked along the ocean and went onto the beach, my hand in hers, and it started raining, and she gave me the total look, so I went in for it. We made out like crazy, the rain falling down on us with waves crashing right beside us, and it was just awesome :crazy: It was the picture perfect scenario. She was super excited. Anyways, we get back to my house and we're both guitarists, so we played some classical duets, made out some more, and then sadly she had to leave after that. While she was packing up her stuff, we were just sort of standing around, hugged some more, and then we just kept chatting away. Sounds great so far, right?

This is the most embarrassing part. I suddenly start choking on this turkey bone that got stuck in my throat from the soup that I got for lunch, so I just left the room and coughed it out, then came back in and we laughed it off together. About two minutes later I get that same sort of thing happening, except this time - wait for it - I upchuck in my mouth while I'm making my way out of the room :eek: I made it to the bathroom like a pro without making a mess luckily, and I kept my composure through it. When I came back she's like 'Did you just get sick?' which I replied 'Yes...I'm sorry that was probably really awkward for you.' She just laughed it off and didn't care at all, she's like 'I still love you, it doesn't matter, it's not awkward for me. Everyone does it' and that's great, but for me it was really embarrassing and sort of made my day seem not quite as perfect as it pretty well was. Do you think what happened will make her think the same? Do you think she'll think I'm weird/gross now? Be honest. If yes how can I fix it?

*side note: I think I got sick from a combination of factors, such as 1. I went to a party the night before, 2. went to bed late, got up early, and 3. I was kind of in the clouds the whole time she was here and was sort of nervous. Plus the soup was a little funky I thought.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
ohbe said:
Good job man, smooth! If I were you I wouldn't care about the choking thing AT ALL.
Haha thanks. I think the reason that I was so freaked out about it was because I hit everything else off so well and then this randomly happened. But I'm just going to leave it behind me, like both you said, obviously she's not so shallow to let that bother her as she told me (LearningSlowly - she's amazingly sweet!) So all we could do was laugh :)

Still kind of phased me a bit.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2011
Reaction score
Lol the choking thing, I wouldn't worry about it. It sounds funnier than embarassing but whatever haha. It's not the same thing as burping on purpose, for example. Those are moments that will happen that you can't control! So I guess it's okay :)


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
eastcoast15 said:
Seems like its phasing you way more than her, dont worry about it dude. Its actually pretty hilarious.
True that man. I realized I was making a big deal out of nothing and it's all good now. She emailed me the day after and she said, verbatim, 'Babe, no worries! You couldn't do anything about it! No impressions were put on you due to that since I know you really well. It takes far more than that to change my mind about you honey.'

So that put me at ease. lol