cannot f'ing kiss close


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
soo ive known this girl for some years and i cant ever imagine dating her but i sure wouldn't mind getting in her pants. she called me to come meet her couple hours ago about 1am she was with a friend then her friend left and we were left alone i had to drop her off at home at some point. so im driving her making small talk and we get to her house and I KNOW that i can get in her pants right then and there but i jUst cant make a move!! we made small talk for like 30 f'ing minutes and eventually i just hinted she went in already cause i couldnt for the life of me find the right opportunity to kiss close. now i feel like a loser lmao. maybe i couldnt because my car has a temporarily broken AC and i was breakin a very uncomfortable sweat just sitting there in the heat or maybe it was because her personality is the complete opposite of what i find attractive in a girl but like i said she looks damn good so i def. would love to beat that regardless of her wack personality. the problem is we have honestly NO real connection so its hard to casually kiss close her but i KNOW SHE IS HORNY IF I GOT HER STARTED LOL. i would have to either make an awkward move out of nowhere (which i really hate to do) or spit some pre rehearsed lines at her cause like i said we have no connection so there's none of those silent moments where we look at each others lips and kiss.....NONE of that shlt so wtf can i say to set it up for a kiss cause i wanna beat that but its just so awkward with her id rather have my tongue down her throat than make pointless small talk about the stupidest sh't. SOME HElp PLZ?


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
wow you sound like a fvcking creep. grow a pair of balls and just go for it, stop bein that weirdo that prolly jerks off to her every night


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2009
Reaction score
LOL Sautros. :up: OP, how old are you and where are you from? I bet english isn't your native language lol. Anyway on with the advice! If you can't kiss close her, there's probably no mood. Maybe you need to work your way into it? Look into her eyes for about a minute or two and hold her gaze while it's weirdly and awkwardly silent. This is important, and it will work. It also portrays confidence. Have some patience, don't rush. Take some time to make room for confidence while looking into her eyes. When you feel right/confident enough, lean in and lay one on her. Most importantly, follow your dick and don't overthink it. Never overthink. Good luck!


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
lmfao you guys are honestly really funny/fckupd cuz im really not a creep. i get girls but lets look at my 8 posts and safely say that i only log in here when i feel that a particular date didnt go the way i planned, very rarely....i thought this was a forum for positive advice (that linkinparkROX at best provided) as opposed to the negative commentary (that that pr!ck eaglez put in). you can crack on me all you want i dont really care...i actually smashed her best friend last night. i think im just really turned off by her personality which is where the problem is but linkinpark is right i shouldnt overthink it and just pipe that nussie already. im upset that i couldnt get some normal feedback in good faith its people like eagles and saturos that make up the scum on this site


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2008
Reaction score
You'll get more serious answers when you at least type somewhat normally. I don't ask for much, nor do most, but you make it terrible

0k Gu1z i n33d H31P lI3K

How do you even type like that?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
IT'5 3zY 2 t7p3 L13K d4T y0.

It's been said but talk to her, let it settle into an almost silent moment, look into her eyes, think sexy thoughts, smile (in a non-creepy way), look at her lips and go for it.

you could also try moving some hair (like, pulling some hair away from the front of her face to the side - this usually makes the mood pretty obvious) and then look at her and go for the kiss.

Usually all about the mood.