Canned material or improv?

Dec 7, 2009
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Does anyone approach and proceed with canned material? Or do they go direct and improv from there on out?

Back when I was sarging frequently with a friend over the summer, I would always go in with canned openers, and while it's great for getting a reaction and getting a conversation going, it's really hard to transition, especially with sets of more than 1.

When I was 1-on-1 with a girl, I'd go in with a canned-approach, add in only a little leeway for improv but mostly transition to pre-canned threads.

But it's so much harder with a wing or 2+ sets, because each participant can wrest control of the conversation and lead it in a direction completely away from your planned threads. When you try to pull it back in your own direction, that just makes it awkward and makes you look try-hard.

Plus, another reason why I improv badly is because I've been always been the "bookish," type. My idea of humor and wit was always a little more, I dunno, "cerebral" than most girls (not to brag.)

For example, back in July a friend and I instant-dated a 2-set he approached earlier in the night. He joked "Wow, I'm so hungry, I can eat an orphan."

The girls were cracking up like, "Haha Oh my gawd! I can't believe you just said that."

I replied, "Hey, don't hate. Jonathan Swift had a few good ideas."

The girls, and my wing included, were like "Huh, what are you talking about?" And I ended up having to explain A Modest Proposal, which was a fail on my part; I was trying to be witty and funny, but a joke's not funny if you have to explain it.

Any suggestions?


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
if you just stick to things that are interesting someone can take the interesting material and like you said take control, you want the conversation to lead towards her being interested in you.

for example

HB:"i work at dolce & gabbana at the westfield shopping mall"
You:"omg, that's a cool store, they have nice stuff there. i wonder why they don't have any of those in my mall"
HB:"where do you live?"
now you can bust her balls in trying to find out where you live. you can say something ****y funny like "you want to know where i live already? isn't that going too fast?" in a joking way of course...


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
I think "improv" is better because it's more genuine. Idk, I don't like the idea of having to memorize lines to impress chicks. Just get better at having conversations, body language etc, which is what I'm trying to do through the bootcamp right now, then you don't have to worry about what you're going to say.

Also, if you feel that you're witty, you don't need to get behind clever canned material. Start a convo with a basic "hey i'm wannabe wat's your name" and get it rolling with some basic observations etc. Then you can start laying it on thick with the witty, ****y, jokes.

I know that feeling when you're talking about something that's smart and funny and then a girl doesn't get it and feels confused. If anything, it should reflect poorly on her, but usually it hurts you in the convo. So don't bring up too many obscure literary allusions. Save that for when you're on a date with a chick who you know is bookish!