OP article just shows how clearly deranged gynoculture has become in its efforts to maintain the victimhood of the majority female vote and grant culture in resentment studies departments worldwide.
"But if sex crimes are going down, how will I get my next grant?? I'll starve, or worse, have to get a real job. How can we spin this to make a windfall look like a crisis?"
The disgusting thing is that these immoral Complex creeps, wastes of human skin, don't give two shts about the lives they damage with this hysteria and the social costs of it. The good thing is that this went on in the dark for 40 years, and is being more and more dragged into the light. Every time one of these stories comes out, the numbers of angry people who feel strongly enough to make youtube vids denigrating feminism increases. We never before had that kind of grassroots backlash to progtard excess. Will it be enough now to change the culture? Who knows. One can only hope.
Example, this woman was completely UNKNOWN for 30 years, despite being the founder of domestic violence shelters and the first author on domestic violence. She didn't toe the man-hating line, so was cast out, death threats, censored. Just NOW, people are beginning to hear stories like these from respectable honest sources: