Can you go out onto the field even if you've lost your voice?


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina
Something tells me that challenge would be ridiculously fun...

lil hooligan

Don Juan
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
Pretend to be a mute, get a friend / wingman to back up the story, something like you never spoke again when... w/e


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
here is a story from my friend

Okay, here's that no-talking-number-grab story thing.

I saw some hot girl walking past so I held eye contact till she looked away and than when she looked back I motioned for her to come over, she was kind of hesitant at first but did so anyway. When she came over I pretended she had an eye lash on her cheek and pretended to brush it away (Yeah, I couldn't think of anything and I had no idea what I was doing).

After that I just kind of ignored her and when she started to turn away I made a 'This girl won't shut up' expression and did the moving my hands to imitate someone talking lots and she laughed a bit. Next I pointed at the sky, made a kind of shrug to indicate a question (This was after RiverFire, lots of fireworks and that) and she said she liked it and managed to get some good photos (She had a pretty fancy looking camera :eek:).

I than looked her up and down and pointed at what she was wearing and gave an unapproving (Is that a word ?) "What the hell o_0" look, even though it was pretty hot, and she did the 'Oh no he didn't!' thing.

So, I just shrugged, pointed out at my friends and started to walk off but I turned around, grabbed her arm (Softly though, 'grab' makes it sound so violent, hah), pulled out a pen (I had a nice pink, Tupperware branded one in my pocket), pointed at my phone than my arm and she wrote down her name + number.

And I left, I was going to call her last night but forgot so I'll do so tonight.