can you be friends?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
can you be friends with somebody you've had sex with?

there's this girl that i liked in the past.... we just casually hooked up from time to time, and it was great, i'd date her but she didnt wanna commit at the time so we kinda just drifted apart...

we didnt talk at all for the past 6 months and in that time i started dating another girl, and just a couple weeks ago me and that girl started to talk again...

mind you, i WAS attracted to her in the past, but now things are different, and she wants to be just friends.. im just thinking is it wise? or should i stay clear... i dont mind being friends with her as she's an interesting individual and i enjoy our conversations... i just dont wanna set myself up...

any input is appreciated :) thx


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2008
Reaction score
In my opinion it's only worth it if she has hot friends you could be introduced to. If she doesn't there's not really much you can gain other than an annoying case of oneitis.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
why not? she can be the bridge to other girls... and maybe you got together again!


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
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I think you should stay away. She's a part of your past for a reason, and there really isn't any reason that it should change. If she sees that you have any interest what so ever, she's going to toy with you. She'll string you along for validation and whatever else she can get out of it. Don't set yourself up for failure. Don't be a branch for that monkey to swing on. I don't think you can just be friends, and it would be wise for you to let by gones be by gones.

Are you strong enough to move on?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
so when you will be sitting with her in a coffee shop for 3 hours watching her flap her gums, wearing sexy top where her t1ts are literaly poping out, and then have her boyfriend call her on the cell wanting to make plans for the night....

Will that sit well with you?! wouldn't you rather be fvcking her in the end of the day instead of her boyfriend?? wouldn't you rather be sarging other women during that time instead of watching her talk for a couple of hours and get nothing out of it?!

Lets face it, if she was ugly, not only you wouldn't want to fvck her, you wouldn't want her company either. All you are doing is trying to rationalise this friendship with this woman, only in the back of your mind you are still HOPING you can nail her.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lets face it, if she was ugly, not only you wouldn't want to fvck her, you wouldn't want her company either. All you are doing is trying to rationalise this friendship with this woman, only in the back of your mind you are still HOPING you can nail her.
Must be an age thing, cuz I have remained friends with a few of them that I nailed that I didn't think were terribly attractive and wasn't really interested in sex with them anymore, but thought they were decent girls and enjoyed their company.

So obviously, my answer is-will depend on the type of guy you are to some extent and may be an "age" thing as well, but you can remain friends with them without having ulterior motives. It all fairness to DJDamages comments, it won't happen often, but it can happen.

Sir I

Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
of course you can be friends, hell allmost all girls I break up with or simply waste the oppertunity to nail I still have as friends but the thought of nailing them is way out of my mind.

can you handle her ****ing others and telling you about how GREAT IT WAS! ??


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Sir I said:
of course you can be friends, hell allmost all girls I break up with or simply waste the oppertunity to nail I still have as friends but the thought of nailing them is way out of my mind.

can you handle her ****ing others and telling you about how GREAT IT WAS! ??

actually yeah i can... i tend to agree with the dj's that posted that i should just forget about her... especially seeing as how i am in a relationship right now and dont really want to get to her friends (she has some really hot ones)... i am afraid of developing feelings even though there's nothing there right now....

perhaps it IS an age thing... all the people i've dated in the past that didnt work out i completely cut out of my life... im sure that has saved me a lot of heartache.. this one is different though... i dunno what it is exactly, but i always welcome an unbiased female opinion... especially regarding my relationship right now with my current girlfriend.. she had no problems with me talking about it.. and i had no issues with hearing about how great her bf is ...

the dichotomy of the situation is what is making me confused.... on the one hand i know that she's somebody i could fall for again... on the other hand i dont really care if she's with somebody or not and dont mind hearing about it... also there's the issue of being the "emotional tampon" which i dont think applies in this case as i dont want anything from her aside from friendship...