Originally posted by CONDE FRANCO
well, see, the first one month and a half , I ate a lot of protein, but I lost 20 pounds, now I ate less protein and food in general and I burned my a$$ running one hour a day and lift weights (very heavy weights) and only I lost one lousy pound. yes I weighed my self one month after, and with the same clothes and I went to the bathroom before. if I did not gain muscle, Why do I weigh the same? I want to believe I gained muscle
If you are eating too little, your metabolism is just going to shut down and retain whatever mass you have going into "starvation" mode where you cannot lose weight no matter what you do.
Take a good look at the amount of calories you are taking in. If it is less than 1600 per day, get it back up to that at least.
In addition, after losing that much weight, your body literally needs a break and needs to "reset" before it will lose weight again. Here's what I recommend you do: spend a weekend eating carbs in the form of pasta and eat about 1800 to 2000 calories per day. Then, get back on your reduced carb diet but a the same amount of calories (1800-20000 per day for the next week.
After that week, your body should be reset, then get back to 1600 to 1700 calories per day on a reduced carb diet and you'll lose more weight.
Please post your stats -- current weight, bodyfat % (you should have this taken now if you haven't done so already, go to any decent gym and they'll use calipers to give you a rough estimate of your bodyfat), and your height.
P.S. Also check your water intake -- you should be drinking at least a gallon per day. The more water you drink, the more weight your body will shed.