Can our society get any more messed up?

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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
To be optimistic, I think knowledge of this being a real problem is spreading like wildfire, and within the next decade or two, we are in for a huge reversal.

I want my kids to be raised by a mom who can be at home for them 100%, and this is my number one motivation for going for the top of the wealth chain. A stay at home mom and wife would be worth more to me than a hundred Ferraris.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Originally posted by MetalFortress

I want my kids to be raised by a mom who can be at home for them 100%, and this is my number one motivation for going for the top of the wealth chain. A stay at home mom and wife would be worth more to me than a hundred Ferraris.
One of the people I admire is my next door neighbor. Not rich, not famous, just a hard working man that works enough to make sure his wife doesn't work and she stays home taking care of the kids fulltime. Now that is a real man. Make sure your kids don't go off to some child care center (those things are awful). Instead the kids stay with their loving mom to make sure they are raised right.

It ain't impossible. First things first, you gotta live somewhere where the rent is affordable (that takes out cali/ny). There are plenty of cities that are affordable to the point where you can pay the rent and live well with just 1 parent working.

I don't think I will ever get married and I don't plan to. I would never do that before first having enough money so that if I do get married my wife doesn't have to work to stay home with the kids fulltime. Since I am far from financial security I don't even think about it ;)
If only most of the irresponsible guys out there thought this way, our society would be in much better shape. Most aren't man enough to take care of their family yet they go and have kids anyway without first securing the money necessary to make sure their family is ok and the mom stays home.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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The world is f*cked. Get over it and move on.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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St. Louis Area
I don't know, it's hard to say.

Call me selfish, but I wouldn't want a stay-at-home wife because to me, that seems very parasitic. The only people I'm willing to support financially or give lots of money to would be my own son (no I don't have one now, I know damn well I can't afford one). But that's probably only because of modern technology (so things that used to take all day long now only take a couple of hours), and because I was born in the 80s (different standards and such). If I was born in say, 1930. I probably would've supported a wife because that's simply what every man did. But then again, back then women were expected to do certain things. There were no gung-ho feminazis in quite the same way we have them now. I figure that if those women want the same rights, I'll give them the rights. But they better own up to the responsibility (and I don't think a lot of them do). In the 50s, men never hit women. Nowadays, if a woman hits me, I will hit back. I don't give a s#it if she's a woman or not.

There's another thing that bothers me. It's this politically correct bullsh!t. I consider myself a liberal-minded guy, but I know where to draw the line. What if I told you that nowadays, it's theoretically possible that a minority man will get a job or go to school over a more qualified white man, simply because they're a minority. It's true. It's called affirmative action. I believe in equal rights, at least among men (women I have slightly mixed feelings about). This affirmative action politically correct bullsh!t is getting out of hand. Now, even many white men are scared to say anything that might be considered "racist." I believe in equal rights and equal oppurtunity, and affirmative action does NOT help us acheive that end. If a minority wants to be lazy, it's not the white man's fault.

If the minority man is better qualified, hire him.

If the white man is better qualified, hire him.

Next thing I know, sexual orientation will be covered under affirmative action. And that just wouldn't be right. Race and sexual orientation belong under true equal oppurtunity, NOT affirmative action. AA was, and still is a bad idea. It's not my fault if they decide to have a victim mentality.

Wow...I think I said enough, although I could probably write an entire book.

I'll just say that there is one trend I do like, namely that it's becoming easier for people to carry guns in public.



Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by Joe The Homophobe

It ain't impossible. First things first, you gotta live somewhere where the rent is affordable (that takes out cali/ny). There are plenty of cities that are affordable to the point where you can pay the rent and live well with just 1 parent working.
I wouldn't want to be a renter by the time I have kids. By then, I want to own my house and at least 2 investment properties. (I'm a Cali kid born and bred with no plans to leave)


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
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Berkshire UK
yes as I look out at Graffiti ridden Britton, full of low life chavs,
dumbing down of tv (full of Jerry Springer style shows), rubbish
junk food, gangster music and bad behaviour on tv, porn shows,
lesbian behaviour in your face......I wonder how it must have been to live in the romantic 50's


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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I've contemplated this issue myself. Both me and my wife have decent jobs, but we need both of them. The cost of living is too damn high for us NOT to each have jobs.

Also, I made a plan that I would get myself into a house before I have kids. I've achieved that. I'd prefer for them to play in the back yard (ours is nice and big) instead of them living in a cramped apartment and playing out in the street.

I've also thought of where they'll go when we're both at work. I'd prefer to have a relative babysit them, but that's probably not going to happen. There's no way in hell I'll let my mother babysit my kids because of the way she treated me when I was growing up. I don't need my kids coming home with bruises and being 5hit scared of themselves. I also don't want them to be brainwashed into my mother's cult. My kids would be much safer in a daycare.

My wife's mother would be much better, but she works nights and sleeps during the day.


Dec 15, 2004
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Doubt the 50's were all peaches and cream. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Besides the violence of our society, I believe we live in a more humane world.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Originally posted by SELF-MASTERY
Doubt the 50's were all peaches and cream. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Besides the violence of our society, I believe we live in a more humane world.
Humane my ass. People = more ignorant violence. There's all kinds of hate an even some genocide going around the world these days. Our governments are developing more clever and cheaper ways to kill people on a daily basis.

Countries are looking into getting nuclear arms because they're more humane now?:rolleyes: I don't buy that for a second. Fact is as long as there is inequality in the world there are going to be problems. People want things and when they get them they want something else. Violence is often thought of as the ulitmate way to "get your point across." Is it right? Obviously not, but it the reality we live in.

An endless waltz is the violence of the world. One of many that none of us can escape.


Dec 15, 2004
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The proliferation of nuclear weapons has nothing to do with how humane our times are. They have such little significance because NO one wants to use them. Pakistan doesn't want to make india glow over Kashmir, Nor does N. Korea want to use this type of force. Having nukes nowdays is like a safety blanket to protect one's nation from invasion. The only guys itching to fight with plutonium glow are halfwit terrorist with old soviet briefcase bombs. Being a person of color I feel safer walking the streets in the 2000's than the 1950's...

There's all kinds of hate an even some genocide going around the world these days. Our governments are developing more clever and cheaper ways to kill people on a daily basis.
The worst genocide of all time would be of the jews by nazi germany, and the armenians by the turk ottomen empire. We don't have millions of ppl being slaughter everyday. Sure saddam wasted a few kurds, but nothing compared to the above events.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
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Louisiana, USA
Yeah, this one won't be turning into a political flamefest anytime soon. :rolleyes: Interesting conversation, but it's better suited for somewhere else.
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