Can no contact help me in this situation?


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
There is this girl in one of my classes in college who I am really into and it seemed like she was really into me too. We always talked and laughed in class and we would walk to the next class together. Every time she saw me she would smile and blush and when we talked she would smile really wide and stare at me. I was sure that she was crazy for me. But then her friend tells me that she doesn't like me and that she likes another guy. I didn't really believe her at first but then she showed me a text conversation with the girl and sure enough she said that she liked a different guy. So this really pissed me off and made me feel like an idiot because I really thought she liked me. I started no contact today. I noticed she kept staring at me and trying to get my attention a lot. I really do like this girl so is there a way that I can use no contact to make her want me? Have any of you guys ever had a situation like this and used no contact? Or should I just move on and work on my other plates? Thanks in advance.