Can I get my Coworker Interested and no f it up?


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
-History, we occasionally order lunch together, common food interest.
-We chat for a minute or two once or twice a week when passing each other in the kitchen.
-I brought the really hot, foreign exotic girl I've been *****ing about on this forum to work the other day and that's over. My coworker saw us together. Based on DJ that should make me appear more attractive no? According to my female friends that would make me less attractive, but girls say one thing and do another.
-We've hung out in a group with coworkers a couple times, including valentines day... I didn't sense much interest level.
-I've teased her a few times at work in a ****y way and got a decent response.
-She doesn't really drink.
-I've asked her to go to lunch with me a few times, but she says she's too busy. -Says we can eat outside near our office sometime.
-Invited me to go dancing once, but she flaked and I did as well.

IL seems low, but I haven't been hanging out with her as a friend or any of that BS. Is this is a she's not interested don't try situation, or since I'm not deep in the friend zone, it's a case of using DJ bible to make her interested and not f it up?


Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah... I'd say there's no interest. How can I tell?

- You brought a hot chick to work and she didn't say anything about it? No interest.
- You've hung out in a group but never by yourselves, and she hasn't suggested it? No interest.
- You asked her out to lunch but is always "too busy?" No interest.
- Says you two can eat outside near the office, but not outside the office or work? No interest.
- She finally invites you to dance and then cancels without offering up an alternative date? No interest.

It's good that you haven't been hanging out with her regularly as a "friend..." but the reality is, you still work with her, so she sees you everyday. And it doesn't sound like she's trying to see much of you beyond the work situation. But hey - better to RECOGNIZE and ACCEPT this situation for what it is NOW than being in denial and trying to make it something that it won't be. Hope this helps!


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Yep, going to let that one pass. Some other guy will get to enjoy her...

Running out of prospects here, gotta stop hanging out with people my age. Not much of a dating pool that's single, still attractive or I can relate to.

20-24 is where the girls are, need to hit up that zone without being creepy.