Can an Avg, man become an alpha male?

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Can an Avg Man (actually a AFC) become and Alpha male?
-If so How?
-Has this case ever happened? do you know anyone who has done it?
-How important are looks in this transition?
-How long did it take him/ does it usually take ?
- Where any of you Alpha males ever AFC before ? how did
- How did you make the transition?

Sorry if there are to many questions, just answer the ones you can.



Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
I think what you are asking is if their is hope for YOU to become succesful with women. You've just phrased it differently. The answer is yes.

The whole idea of the alpha male is really just a rough sketch. You won't find any definitive answers for how to do it or how long it takes. Rather than being black and white, AFC and Alpha, the reality is a gradient.

If you focus on becoming a man, assertive, confident, all the things described on this board... you will move along the gradient towards alpha and away from afc. its suprising how quickly you can progress from a chump to fairly adept.

After all, most of the knowledge of how to behave is inherent in you, you just have to be willing to look beyond the way society has conditioned you to behave.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
I made the transition years ago. I am not a natural alpha. When I was a kid I was whiny wimpy. I am an artist, and always have been. I never liked playing with trucks, or building things when I was a kid. I was in the friend zone with chicks until I was 20. I then decided to make a change and man up. I haven't looked back since. About 25 women later here I am. It's about 90% attitude and confidence.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, you gonna make mistakes so you can learn. Also try different things out. I got better results in some of my apporaches but showing a little more interest in a girl. Use my jounral tips
( rapport in journal tips coming soon )


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I personally believe that some guys are just natural born Alpha Males, I have some long time close friends that have been Alpha Males since the days of 2nd grade, so that's what lead me to believe that it may be a birth trait.

However, I also believe that it certainly is possible for an AFC to transform himself into an Alpha Male although it's gonna take a tremendous effort.

We all know the Alpha male traits: Confidence, humor, charm, great speaker etc... So to become an alpha male we must develop these traits within ourselves.

As a moderate AFC, here's what I'm doing to obtain those traits and maybe it'll help you also:

1) Confidence: Working out more to get a better body. Also, working on my Basketball skills. Being athletic and being confident often go hand in hand.

2) Humor: Watching a whole bunch of funny movies to lighten up my moods. I've noticed that it's also helped me develop my own style of humor.

3) charm: interacting with as many people as possible everyday.

4) great speaker: same as #3.

Hope this helps. :up:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Alpha Male

Thinking in terms of alpha male usually creates some vision of a domineering, caveman. I don't think this is the guy you want to model for success with modern women. For one thing, you won't smell very pleasant.

If all you want to do is increase your success with women, then there is different ways to do that. Women are attracted to many different thingsl, and no man needs to emcompass every single one of those traits. In fact, some traits are contradictary. That's why you have to see the bigger picture to make all this work. You have to have some understanding of how certain things tie together. That's why "techniques" often backfire-because the person trying to apply a certain technique doesn't understand it's function.

Men have success with women both by being elusive and by overwhelming them with feelings of deep connection. The play upon the correct emotions at the correct time in a certain way and viola, success. You will only do this by accident until you understand female psychology inside and out. Additionally, you can become a victim of essentializing by trying to apply some trait to every single female on earth and sabotage yourself that way. It's both hot and cold. Without calibration, anything you try to do will fail to work consistently. At the same time, doing the same thing without ever changing will likely continue producing the same results. One must not be afraid to fine tune or change something altogether if needed.

One thing I know that will kill success with women faster than anything else is negativity. That can be anything from constantely making fun of others in a hateful manner to refusing to go out becauase all women are X at Y bar on Tuesdays. Ruling out all that negativity and asking oneself "is this a useful way of thinking" is the fastest way I know of to get on the road to success.

As far as the "alpha man" thing goes, I use that to make jokes and women find them hilarious. That's about the only time the words "alpha male" really enter my mind. I mean, would you really consider Valentino to be an "alpha man"? Yet, he could have seduced 20 beautiful women per day if he wanted to just by letting them know which hotel he could be found in. Again, ask yourself is thinking about words which are likely to bring up a domineering caveman useful in picking up women? If you can change that definition, then maybe it won't be an issue. However, I wouldn't use that terminology outside of the PU circles :) You can actually make a good opener out of finding a tape called "secrets of the alpha man" in XYZguys car at work/school/outside a nightclub. Just about anything you say based on that will have the girls rolling on the floor laughing.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Go to the gym and lift heavy, eat alot and rest and you will change. Weights have an enormous impact on how you behave. The testosterone surge from lifting heavy (squatting, deadlifting, etc..) will make you look more manly and give you confidence boost.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
everywomanshero said:
Thinking in terms of alpha male usually creates some vision of a domineering, caveman. I don't think this is the guy you want to model for success with modern women. For one thing, you won't smell very pleasant.

If all you want to do is increase your success with women, then there is different ways to do that. Women are attracted to many different thingsl, and no man needs to emcompass every single one of those traits. In fact, some traits are contradictary. That's why you have to see the bigger picture to make all this work. You have to have some understanding of how certain things tie together. That's why "techniques" often backfire-because the person trying to apply a certain technique doesn't understand it's function.

Men have success with women both by being elusive and by overwhelming them with feelings of deep connection. The play upon the correct emotions at the correct time in a certain way and viola, success. You will only do this by accident until you understand female psychology inside and out. Additionally, you can become a victim of essentializing by trying to apply some trait to every single female on earth and sabotage yourself that way. It's both hot and cold. Without calibration, anything you try to do will fail to work consistently. At the same time, doing the same thing without ever changing will likely continue producing the same results. One must not be afraid to fine tune or change something altogether if needed.

One thing I know that will kill success with women faster than anything else is negativity. That can be anything from constantely making fun of others in a hateful manner to refusing to go out becauase all women are X at Y bar on Tuesdays. Ruling out all that negativity and asking oneself "is this a useful way of thinking" is the fastest way I know of to get on the road to success.

As far as the "alpha man" thing goes, I use that to make jokes and women find them hilarious. That's about the only time the words "alpha male" really enter my mind. I mean, would you really consider Valentino to be an "alpha man"? Yet, he could have seduced 20 beautiful women per day if he wanted to just by letting them know which hotel he could be found in. Again, ask yourself is thinking about words which are likely to bring up a domineering caveman useful in picking up women? If you can change that definition, then maybe it won't be an issue. However, I wouldn't use that terminology outside of the PU circles :) You can actually make a good opener out of finding a tape called "secrets of the alpha man" in XYZguys car at work/school/outside a nightclub. Just about anything you say based on that will have the girls rolling on the floor laughing.
Being a man is not about being succesful with women. Even worthless PUA who have no other life except picking up women are successful.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
if you'wr still feeling insecure about women and life in general while in your 20's I would say the chances are unlikely

yeah you can gain more confidence but I can't see you ever having a true alpha like personality

The Phoenix

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Unlikely, ...damn.

I guess I am going to have to fight the Adds, crap.. its going to be a lot of work ... but..hmm
OK I'll do it
After all, someone is got to represent!!


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix, that is the right ****ing spirit my man. When someone tells you its unlikely you will become an alpha male, you don't listen to that. It's exactly like the tests women will barrage you with in an effort to see if you will break down under pressure.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I think some guys mature emotionally later in life, and also it takes longer for some/many to become a complete person (confident, charming, knowledgeable, respected, socially adept, etc). It depends on a combination of genetics and environment. For example, a computer game nerd who stays at home in VR is not going to be challenged by non-comfort zone learning situations such as holding the attention of a group or chatting up women. Hence he will develop slower emotionally and socially. However, he always has the capacity to progress.

If you think you're not alpha right now, just believe that you can be one day, and then review your progress. One day you'll know that you are alpha, if a label can be attached to such an ideal.

Also, turn off the TV, and read as much as you can (i.e. gain knowledge) about all of the broad aspects of life. Watching hours and hours of sports and reality TV might be fun, but it's dumbing down the population and keeping them dumb. Don't fall into this trap. Rise above these sheeple. The capacity for the brain to learn and take in information is only limited by your lifespan.

Listen. Knowing that nerve cells only send signals in one direction, or that black holes evaporate, may not get you laid, but people will notice that sparkle in your eye that tells them:

- This dude seems interesting
- I could learn from this dude
- Wow he's got an enigmatic quality about him
- He looks like he's holding the world's biggest secret

And so on. You'll know you are alpha when people around you start treating you as alpha.

One poster today mentioned learning to fight is one way to 'become' alpha. I understand this point of view. It is just more knowledge at the end of the day. But as the dialogue goes in The Matrix...

Neo: You mean I'll be able to dodge bullets?
Morpheus: I mean when you're ready, you won't have to.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
mountain said:
When someone tells you its unlikely you will become an alpha male, you don't listen to that. .
I bet you still believe in santa claus:rolleyes:

if you have to ask how do i become an alpha male YOU HAVE NO CHANCE OF EVER BECOMING ONE

you obviously don't have the confidence or natural instincts to be one ever

and it's no big deal you don't need to be or become an alpha anyways, very few guys are alpha yet somehow the non alphas still get chicks

like I said before you can learn to be more comfortable in your own skin and be a better person overall but as far as being considered alpha that is out of the question. it's just not something that you can become at an older age


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Just my opinion:
Yes, it took me about 4 years from WBAFC (way below average frustrated chump) to being able to (you know) without a problem. I started at the bottom socially and I didn't really change my looks, so personality CAN make a big difference.
And please please anyone, DONT blame how you were brought up. I got picked on all through elementary school and even through high school I had little friend .People beat me up until I started martial arts and I could defend myself.
Sorry for derailing the messanges, anyways.
Here's what I fixed up:
1)Status/Talent- you should feel like your a competent person. It won't make you "happy", but you would feel that you are good enough for the girl. I realized I was a talented businessman, something not many people can do. It's fine to have a bit of an ego. Sense of humor and all that will come.......
You should excel in at least one area that makes you feel good. You can develop talents if you can't think of any big natural talents.
I was not a talented athlete(to tell you how bad it is, I actually HATED gym class), but I trained daily. While I won't likely win any olympic TKD gold medals, I can probably defeat 95% of people I run into. Practice can make perfection.
Friends and social proof will come with status...I'm not saying it like "money will make you happy", but being competent breeds confidence, confidence will make you a generally more likeably person since you like yourself, and friends will come as a result because you are likeable.
Think about it, if you accomplished nothing all your life and are on welfare, who would want to be with you? Who cares how good you look? Think about it, even if the girl is a working minimal wage, she has higher social status than you? Give me a break!
NICE TO DO (more my personal opinion)
2) Don't take shi* from people: this is controversal, but personally I think if you need to take revenge, extract it legally. People will realize they shouldn't mess with you and it makes you feel that you should not be taken advantage of. It made me feel bad sucking too many things in. Only suck it in if they person has power and you have no choice (e.g. your boss, the secretary of your client etc). Otherwise, teach them a lesson.
A restaurant owner *****ed at me for eating too much of his buffet's food. I gave this story to all my journalist friends, and he became famous for the wrong reason.
I didn't break his nose. Reason? Remember you can be sued for assault, but what I did below was legal.
3) Take up martial arts/work out
This helps you build confidence that you can protect whatever girl your with. It makes you feel good about yourself.
Do whatever you have to to avoid a physical fight. Why? Trust me, if you are more skilled, it means only that you are more LIKELY to win. I've beaten people that were "more skilled" than me sparring, and you only need one wrong move to be permanently blind, lame etc . Do not initiate fights of course.
Personally, I like the first more than the second, but do whatever you feel is better.
4) perfect looks: well its not to say of course that looks don't matter, but its a minor thing from my experience. Your life is too short to spend messing with appearance enhancement as a guy, you got better things to do.
Don't look like crap (I assume you don't), but I personally think its too big a time killer.
facial treatements are waste of money for guys ......
5) Sense of humor practice:
From my experience, it comes with confidence in yourself. I really can't explain it, but I have never really (and trust me, I turn off girls because I was sooooo boring before, one chased me for a year till she gave up) need work in this area.
6) Too much indepth study (e.g. ways to know X type of girl likes you, 8 different types of women etc).
Read for entertainment if you want. But you do not need it to be successful.
7) Be a bad boy/do drugs
Whatever if that is your lifestyle and that drugs make you feel good about yourself?(no experience, no comments). But it is not a prerequistie. I have never even seen cocaine in real life, and I am just fine.

Hope thats enough.