Campus awareness of male struggles


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2011
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Over the years there have been significant changes in the way we view college life and crime or deviant behavior against women that is associated with it. Courses such as campus rape, alcohol, date raping and abusive relationships, just to name a few, are some examples I can come up with that are designed specifically to empower, raise awareness of, and prepare women for potentially dangerous situations. I have no problem with this. It SHOULD be done to protect innocent young girls from becoming victims of drink rufeeing, rape, violence, etc... And it can't help the private schools, who have to government funding, by having a reputation of frats committing crimes against helpess young women.

However, this is only half the battle.While these seminars, courses, etc... designed to help train women become women, there is no literature, courses, guides or anything on any college campus designed to help men learn how to become men. college is usually started at the age of 18 right? Well 18 implies "Adult" in most states. Shouldn't adults learn how to become adults then? Would it not make sense that men should learn how to become men?
Many young men (myself included) lack the proper fatherly figure or male role model in their lives that teach how to become the attractive symbol that women want, which the "Reproductive Symbol". This symbol follows the formula of darwinism. Females will flock to suitable males who meet the criteria for defines men as "Men". But so many men go their entire lives without ever truly learning how to define themselves as confident and suitable "Reproductive Symbols". This leads to years of frustration, lonliness, disappointment, feelings of emptyness, and for some I'd even wager, thoughts of suicide.
But society would have you believe otherwise. That just being yourself and waiting for the right one to come along is the only way to truly find marraige or life satisfaction and happiness. Is this supported by any concrete data whatsoever? Have they themselves experienced years of frustration and sadness, or are so many of their marital and sexual needs and desires already fulfilled, giving them no empathizing perspective?

As a current sociological researcher, I have found little to no data about the need for men to learn how to become strong leaders in society in order to attract women. This has to stop! My hope is to raise awareness by asking college campuses, cities with large populations, and suburban areas to introduce courses and literature designed to teach men who never learned on their own, how to become men. Would it be mandatory in college? Maybe, maybe not. But whatever outcome, I would say that this option could likely improve many men's lives all over the country. Not only would it improve theirs, but my hypothesis is that it could also improve marital satisfaction, lower divorce rates, and increase female opinions of men all over. (these would all need to be framed and researched, and are just loose ideas I'm brewing up right now). What does everyone think? Are we as society, going to just let young men wander aimlessly, not knowing how to truly define themselves as men, or are we going to do something about it for the greater good? OPINIONS PLZ.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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There is a simple reason for this.

For the most part men who have the secrets don't want to share. The history of mankind is that a few men control most of the puzzy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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By 18 its probably too late innit? Not really, I mean if it wasn't for my dad pushing me into boy scouts, ROTC, Football and Jr Achievement, I probably would have been the same sort of slacker as a lot of the guys I grew up with. The ones who have done well in life have been the ones with fathers and the ones without haven't done so well. But most of our fathers were middle to lower middle class working joes, so most of us are still on that level or only a little bit beyond. I noticed that the sons of richer kids are richer, and the sons of poorer kids are relatively poor in comparison. They learned different lessons. Its playing a game to catch up.

As for women, that's a different story.

All I can say is, develop a plan, share it online and get feedback and tweak it. its tons of information out there, its going to take someone to blaze the trail and lead the way.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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Hold your horses. Don't get me wrong, I think it is honorable quest but I don't think education can achieve something. On top of that young men would feel like b1tches having to attend classes like "How to become a man.".

I have better solution....conscript army service. 3 months of basic training can give you another perspective. It can viewed as initiation ritual to adulthood/manhood and most of us lack the 'You are the man, now.' statement.

Maybe renew the Scout movement minus gay instructors and save the planet BS.

But you see it is just too difficult to cultivate and channel the male power. It is so much easier to suppress it by shaming, no tolerance (no toy guns) etc.
In peoples simple minds Man=War/Violence. They don't comprehend that there will always be fair amount of men who are simply violent or frustrated to a point of turning "mad" (making conspiracies and acting upon it). And then you need strong, slightly violent men to protect the civilization.

Problem is, people hate strong men. Try to stand up for something, like challenge thugs on public transport....
men hate you because you make them look bad,
women despise you because you are trying to impress or whatever
and you just escalated the situation - they prefer not to see problems and wait until they are away.
And third, women are generally very "selfish" - if you don't protect them or their children, you are a liability, because you can get yourself killed and they will be left alone.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
DanelMadr said:
Hold your horses. Don't get me wrong, I think it is honorable quest but I don't think education can achieve something. On top of that young men would feel like b1tches having to attend classes like "How to become a man.".

I also agree that it's honorable. But the powers that be at the unversity would not be friendly to such an idea for a class. If it did happen, the curriculum would be written and taught by feminized and/or gay men and feminist women.

I have better solution....conscript army service. 3 months of basic training can give you another perspective. It can viewed as initiation ritual to adulthood/manhood and most of us lack the 'You are the man, now.' statement.

I agree with that.

Maybe renew the Scout movement minus gay instructors and save the planet BS.


But you see it is just too difficult to cultivate and channel the male power. It is so much easier to suppress it by shaming, no tolerance (no toy guns) etc.
In peoples simple minds Man=War/Violence. They don't comprehend that there will always be fair amount of men who are simply violent or frustrated to a point of turning "mad" (making conspiracies and acting upon it). And then you need strong, slightly violent men to protect the civilization.

Problem is, people hate strong men. Try to stand up for something, like challenge thugs on public transport....
men hate you because you make them look bad,
women despise you because you are trying to impress or whatever
and you just escalated the situation - they prefer not to see problems and wait until they are away.
And third, women are generally very "selfish" - if you don't protect them or their children, you are a liability, because you can get yourself killed and they will be left alone.
Fair enough.