Calling Out Robyn923b - Classic Keyboard Jock!

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The College Jock

Don Juan
Feb 16, 2011
Reaction score
Some of his Keyboard Jockeying;

Robyn923b said:
A skilled Dj selects women, but the woman is the one who makes the ultimate, yet subtle decision. If you can see her signal, she will respond to you and you're on your way with her!
Heres a response from a girl he kept stalking on an onlin dating site

Hb: you creep me out (ooouuuccchhh!)
Yesterday at 7:22pm
Hb: haha no i don't even know you and haven't asked to see you and i definitely wouldn't stalk you im so confused by you

Today at 1:55pm
Me: Haha, I don't know you either and that's
Haha, I don't know you either and that's the whole point in the last message about your eyes! Right up ^^^ Let's drop the games; what's the best number where you can be reached, Katherine? =]
Has absolutely no clue on what he's doing, yet he's giving others advice.

Heres the thread:

Instead of saying, I'm a guy whose GETTING BETTER with women, he wants to become a Pick Up Artist

Sweet! She's opening up more and calling you with her phone number showing; this is a huge progress in trust. I'm 99% sure she wanted you to come to her for the very same reason: she doesn't trust you well enough YET

PS: I'm not the best with comebacks. Do you have some comebacks for usual situations to share?
Sounds like you're into party girls! They are good for the moment of for a fvck buddy, but they are bad for long-term stuff. They are also always waiting for the next dude who can keep the monkey entertained.
Your ex-girlfriend was stroking your ego when she said you had GAME brah, and wanted to hang out, because the guy she's seeing has disowned her, but she new she could have you to roll over on after a 2.5 year relationship.

Why am I calling him out? Because he's a false prophet, with no game. Giving others advice like he's been there and done that. Especially in this thread:


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
This isnt College Jock. NorwegianDJ has proven he knows his sh*t. I appreciate your advice but I think your wayyyy off. Stop calling people out, and grow up. Go back to the misc.

The College Jock

Don Juan
Feb 16, 2011
Reaction score
Hey if you girls want to follow the blind be my guest, I'll just kickback and watch, and Crissco, you were back and fourth with Robyn --- a complete comminty jargonized newb in your thread. So how can you come at me like that you flaming whiteknight. After you can't even get the chick to visit you?

This place reaks of nobody getting laid, and 100% mental masturbation. Crissco, wasn't it you who posted all those PUA Book Collections? Lold hard.

I'm going to be making a journal here (with pics) for you unaware girls. You just sit there and keep circle jerking, no pvssy-getting-donjuan bootcampers.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
The College Jock said:
Hey if you girls want to follow the blind be my guest, I'll just kickback and watch, and Crissco, you were back and fourth with Robyn --- a complete comminty jargonized newb in your thread. So how can you come at me like that you flaming whiteknight. After you can't even get the chick to visit you?

This place reaks of nobody getting laid, and 100% mental masturbation. Crissco, wasn't it you who posted all those PUA Book Collections? Lold hard.

I'm going to be making a journal here (with pics) for you unaware girls. You just sit there and keep circle jerking, no pvssy-getting-donjuan bootcampers.
For a person who's supposedly only been a member for a few weeks, you sure are up to date on all the latest gossip.

If you want to help people then help people. I don't see the benefit in "calling people out" over the internet. Just makes you look like you have too much time on your hands. Ignore the posters you dislike, help the posters who need help.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
To be honest every one has their own idea of what they think is good advice. The majority of advice and comments is mostly based opinion and their own experiencd which does not make it right or wrong. It just depends on your views.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hawaiian Jungles
you ever see that movie called the other guys?

that part where will ferrell points out to marky mark that he seems to have put a little bit too much time thinking of his insults? and that its a little bit creepy?

this is you bro


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Re: Calling Out Robyn923b. I"m honored to have my name on a thread! haha


You are the definition of troll.

Hahaha...dude, stop lying about why you're "calling me out" because of other reasons when the reason is you being p!ssed and not being able to just get over the fact I gave you -1 rep. for a dumb response you posted. I'm not going to get down to your level or qualify myself to you, because you're simply childish and pathetic, but you sure made crack the heck up, haha.

We know you want to advertise the stuff in your signature with those HUGE, BOLD, letters, but posting dumb answers or "calling out" people or sending a 15 y/o to the high school forum when you're old enough to be a junior in high school, in hopes of getting people to like you by putting someone else down isn't the way to go--in fact, it does the COMPLETE opposite. It makes you look ridiculous and unworthy.

You have a really strong moral right to judge me and call me a newbie; whoops, I forgot you were the "Jock" and you've been here for only THREE DAYS. You know, after grabbing other men so much and probably playing football and hitting your head so many times, you've developed a slight case of brain damage; time must go faster in your head after getting hit in the head so much because you think you know everything after 14 posts; it is sad, but I don't blame you.

You are a professional STALKER and SNITCH having all the gossip and the people who don't have perfect game and mistakes figured out already, congratulations! You must be an all-time pro in those looong 17 years you've been around--good for you! This is going to be a HUGE advantage with women...:crackup:

Get a good lesson on this and learn from me.

-I had horrible online game after my recent LTR break-up a month ago.
-I don't have a load of comebacks to say back to women.
-I had approach anxiety after the break-up.
-I'm strong in some areas and weaker in others.
-I successfully identify, admit, and address my issues.
-I share my ups and downs to learn from others and have others learn from my mistakes.
-"I have failed many times, and that's what makes me successful" -MJ

Once in a while when I get some people pissed and hating on me like you are right now I know I'm being myself. You're a joke, man. Thanks for the laugh!
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Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
The College Jock said:
I'm going to be making a journal here (with pics) for you unaware girls. You just sit there and keep circle jerking, no pvssy-getting-donjuan bootcampers.
Not after this you won't. You managed to piss off almost everyone. Good luck.

Post reported.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
I made a thread just like this making a list of people who i didnt like listening to. It was called something like 'list of homo's and undercover females'.

Got deleted because it hurt too many feelings or something.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Crissco said:
This isnt College Jock. NorwegianDJ has proven he knows his sh*t. I appreciate your advice but I think your wayyyy off. Stop calling people out, and grow up. Go back to the misc.
since when did 15 year olds have actual game???????
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