Calling all online game masters


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2007
Reaction score
This is it. I am officially asking for your expertise.

This is the one area of my game that is not up to snuff: for the life if me I can't figure out how to consistently and regularly make online game work for me.

I had a MySpace for two years, it never paid off.

Have a facebook right now, nada.

Have tried craigs list....did get laid off that...once.

Do have an okcupid now, have gotten 2 numbers, haven't even bothered trying to convert them (1 fat girl 1 neurotic girl)

Really spotty results as you can see.

So, for all those out there who have had a good amount of success with online game, what are you doing, and how are you doing it?

You don't need to post your profiles or the ads you use but a good example of overall structure would be great.

I know some guys on this forum have made comments before suggesting it needs to be broken down according to a target audience and so forth.

Please, enlighten me....I am a willing student here.

What really works in online game?


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
If you look like a male model and you are a doctor, lawyer, etc. you can get virtually any woman you want online, if you are ugly forget it.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Search the forum, WAY too many threads already exist about online sarging.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
I must proclaim myself online game champ, and yes there is a treasure of women out there. People just dont know how to properly type a conversation.. ill use myspace for now. First and foremost is to have a clean neat page, with some music. I can help you out with bein clean, next is to make sure you got good pics of u. if you are urban take urban style, if you think your ugly or somethin jus take one in a suit next to your ride or wear a nice outfit thats modern and make sure your hair is cut and thats the minimum.. have like 2 pics at least and 2 other pics of stuff you like. say a music cd or somethin.. the reason is when a girl views it she'll think you're a normal guy and not suspect. Lastly, message any hot girls and say "hows it goin?" followed by a friend request and power up your page . More info will follow if you post up how its goin or what help you need on