Calling all DJ's (actually important)


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Okay. Thanks for reading. Here's the backstory: I work at a restaurant and there's a girl there (there's always a girl) who is very unhappy with her bf.

We've gotten close, she's displayed all the signs of attraction that get tossed around this board, but nothing's happened. Probably because I never tried... All I've done is lay down C+F, be a better guy than her (d!ck marine) bf. She was complaining to me today about how he keeps her on a leash and doesn't let her have any know the type...

But, she told me today that they're going to break...they've been together for a long time, so the break might or might not last...

I've met her bf when she came to see me play one of my shows... When we were introduced, he acted like she did nothing but talk about me (which I know she does...)

But she also told me that she liked one random guy at work (who's filling in shifts while he's home from school...)

She is coming over this weekend for a party and has volunteered to clean our house (me and my roommate's)...

What should I do? I know that I like her and might have a chance, but I go a little AFC everynow and then...

I do like her a lot, and was wondering (based on the info I gave) what you guys think?

Also, was the thing about her liking a random guy who's home from school (and kind of a d!ck) a b i t c h test?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry to rain on your parade, but girls who complain to guys about guys don't **** the one listening.

Best advice? Hook up with another girl at a party.

smoke city

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
eccentric is right == generally a woman who has a boyfriend, but interested in getting with you will avoid bringing him up in conversation at all.

HOWEVER == the nature of the complaint here... that he "doesn't let her have any fun" is something different. If you ask me, that's her giving you an opportunity to flirt with her. You should definitely try to hit that...

oh and yes she was testing you. ignore it.