Just a word of warning to all: what follows is simply a rant. Readers who wish to comment may do so; those with low tolerance for such thought purging may skip over this post. Anyway, here I go...
Forget about public speaking or flying in an airplane--I tell you, there's nothing scarier than calling a girl on the phone. Anyway, I did it-- I called her up, and invited her to go with me. Her excuse: she's going away for a whole month on a cross country trip.
You can't ask for a better excuse then that. I hate it! At least if she would have told me that she was babysitting, had to study for a test, or something lame like that, I would have known she was being less than sincere. But these circumstances give her the perfect out; she never has to say yes or no, or "I'll think about it". She can simply use the situation as her alibi as to why she can't go out with me. Leaving me just as clueless about how she really feels as I was before.
Unless she was lying, in which case, she must not be able to stand me if she made up such an elaborate story. Because now, she can't just pretend she's doing something else on that day; she has to avoid me all month for her story to remain believeable. I doubt this is the case, though.
But what ever the reason is for it, the situation remains the same. No dates whatsoever. It's hard to tell whether the reason for me being single my whole life is more my lack of skills or just all around bad luck. It just so happens she's going away on the very same weekend we would have gone out. Things just never seem to turn out the way I want them to. And maybe it will always be this way. Hopefully there'll be opportunities for me with other women in the coming weeks, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Maybe I should tack that foreword onto all my posts from now on. That is, when I'm not asking for advice...