Call-Back VM Strategy


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
between two stems
This strategy is specifically for use when a girl will not pick up the phone and you're required to leave a voice mail ("VM"). I've used this for numbers I've collected in the last couple of weeks with about a 50% success ratio, which is higher than the 25% I usually get when I leave a VM. Success being defined here as when the girl calls me back after I leave a VM.

If she doesn't pick up and the call goes to VM I follow the following general structure:

1. Greeting ("Hi _name_. This is Szof.")
2. Anchor ("I was around _the bar/club_ today...")
3. Excuse for calling ("...and I remembered I hadn't yet talked to you.")
4. Submerged Command ("Anyways, let's keep this connection alive. Let me give you my number. 303-xxx-xxxx...")
5. Close ("...Looking forward to chatting with you. Take it easy.")

Additional tips: talk slowly, keeps "umms" to a minimum, and have a "I don't really care if you call but I know you will" air about you.

Regarding call timing strategy:

- If she indicates a high Interest Level ("IL"), then I make the first call 2-3 days after meeting and a second call 2-3 days after that. On the second call, I leave a VM.

- If she has a moderate IL, I call 4-5 days after the day I meet her and leave a VM if she doesn't pick up.

Let me know how this model works for you guys. I was looking for something like this here and elsewhere on PUA sites, but most say don't leave a VM. I disagree, being as calling repeatedly, especially from a blocked number raises a woman's anti-stalker defenses.