Now from my experience, if there is one thing women love to do its TALK!
If you set the ball rolling then she will talk your ear off and you will look good just throwing in side comments (C&F) and showing her you are a good listener.
A strange thing has happened..... I have met a girl that is more a listener that a talker. Its not that she is a 'non-talker', she does talk, but, she seems to be running 'the game' on me, trying to get me to talk and do most the talking.
I am not used to this at all. How would you guys deal with a girl that wants you to do all the talking and 'reveal' yourself so that she can use that to her advantage? I want to make the exchange 50- 50. Has this happened to any one?
If you set the ball rolling then she will talk your ear off and you will look good just throwing in side comments (C&F) and showing her you are a good listener.
A strange thing has happened..... I have met a girl that is more a listener that a talker. Its not that she is a 'non-talker', she does talk, but, she seems to be running 'the game' on me, trying to get me to talk and do most the talking.
I am not used to this at all. How would you guys deal with a girl that wants you to do all the talking and 'reveal' yourself so that she can use that to her advantage? I want to make the exchange 50- 50. Has this happened to any one?