Credit Cards can lower your credit score, how? I dont know.
I had like 12 by the age of 20.
I worked with the wisest dudes that do real estate, among other things I worked for the state, wise guys, lawyers, you name it. Thats why I dont bend for anyone, if you got a chance reading my handling work issue thread. People think illegal means can take advantage, but they dont understand, they have to loose so much, I have nothing to loose. Watch some tony montana for a change. But in any case, the dude I worked with build he's credit so that he can get big loans from banks to buy expensive real estate. You do this like so, go to a small bank (not a big name bank) and take out a loan. Pay it so that you dont have to pay interest, pay big payments, then pay it off with that same loan money. You can even take several loans from several banks and pay each one with the other one. Small banks will not question why you need money, as much, and they will write good stuff about you. In four months worth of time you can have a really good credit history..
I think
Carlton Sheets talks about this technique, but Im not sure. And yes, this is as real as DD and Mystery is. I.e. building credit with loans that you dont pay interest on because you are paying them off too damn fast.
That's a way to build credit fast, enough to swing it big way with cash.
I build my credit history by making purchases and paying everything on time. My score is pretty good, but I wont be able to get a lot of cash with my history. For that you need what is described above. My only flaw is when I didnt pay for some VHS tapes when I was young. They send you a sh1tty offer for CDs and VHS tapes when you buy a VCR. So I signed up, didnt like the deal, ignore them and it went from 24 to 240 bucks and I didnt pay them. Then I had a boil on my a55, obviously didnt pay the bill when it arrived, but even with that crap my credit history is pretty good because everything else is flawless.
Basically, a credit card = for me a way to buy things. Then you pay it at the end of the month all at once. I carry cash, but that is only for my barber, and thats pretty much it, I have $100 worth in my wallet, and thats for my barber! Can get a year worth of hair cuts with that!
P.S. the above suggested material you can order risk free for 30 days, copy the CDs and send it back for a full refund. Or just eMule the stuff.