^ No that's no what I meant... I was merely talking about his weight, speed and abs training, and not his martial arts training. I am taking kickboxing classes now...
But yes I have found a site which contained all his workout routine... i'd thought I'd share it with you people.
Credit given to
Sample of Bruce Lee's training program
This is a three-times-per-week schedule that Bruce Lee followed. The other days were dedicated to running and martial arts training.
Stomach Exercise
1) Waist twists 4 sets of 70
2) Sit Up Twist 4 sets of 20
3) Leg Raises 4 sets of 20
4) Leaning Twist 4 sets of 50
5) Frog Kick 4 sets of 50
Forearm Exercises
1) Underhand Wrist Curl 4 sets of 17
2) Overhand Wrist Curl 4 sets of 12
3) Leverage Bar Curl (A) 4 sets of 15
4) Leverage Bar Curl (B) 4 sets of 15
5) Reverse Curl 4 sets of 6
6) Leverage Bar Twist 3 sets of 10
Punching Exercises
1) Straight Punch with Weight 3 sets of 12
2) Glove Straight Punching 2 sets of 12
3) Entering Straight Punching 2 sets of 12
4) Glove Elbowing 2 sets of 12
5) Glove Hooking 3 sets of 12
Stamina/Agility Training
1) Alternate Split 3 sets of 20
2) Jumping Squat 3 sets of 10
3) Skip Rope 3 sets of 12
Grip Training
Every Chance - Daily
According to that website, they didn't specifically mention Bruce's diet, they did say that he never specifically mentioned his diet, and he'd eat anything from pork, chicken, fish, beef, vegetables. He ate chinese food like myself, so that would include a lot of rice because its our staple food. He drank a lot of water so yea...
Just thought you people want to know.