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bros i have an announcement


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
I give up. I'm taking a vow of celibacy. I know that some of you think it's crazy. Considering that I'm a 22 yr old virgin, it's not. I'm sick and tired of arguing with these broads. I'm sick and tired of *****ing with my friends. It's just a waste of time and resources. Sure, I've helped plenty of other people and gained respect many men, both in the real world and online, but it's got to end. If I had saved every penny I spent trying to impress a female (clothes, clubs, food, movies), I could almost put myself through this last year of college. The amount of air used up talking to and about these females could have propelled my large frame fast enough to run a 6 minute mile. My GPA would've been higher. Best of all, I wouldn't be so cold and bitter. All this BS is just not worth the trouble.

Everyone knows highschool sucks but I expected different from college. Every single year has sucked. I can say I'm coming out of it as a better person than when I went in but not quite where I should be. My confidence is way superior to the way it was. I'm secure with myself now and have just realized that the majority of people aren't ****. I'm so secure that I don't mind if the whole world knows that I'm celibate. I'm fine, it's them that are f-ed up. The local feminazis may feel as though they've won but they've lost. A parasite shouldn't kill it's host. All they've done let me off the chain so that I may live unrestricted. I'm raising all sort of hell now. I'll still be on the board to give advice to noobs, someone should benefit from my past misery. Screw courting these women, let them come to me.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Your gonna find that women are gonna be all over you now. Your desparation will be gone, you won't last long at this celebacy thing. I hope you keep your cool after you start getting laid thanks to your non-chalantness, I hope you stay non-chalant.

Every failure is an opportunity for growth, the only way to lose in this game is to quit. You don't seem to understand that this stuff takes time, trials and tribulations. Failure and success are partners in crime, not hero and villain.

But I wish you luck with your celebacy, because I don't think it will last long...

Mr. Mystery


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
I highly doubt your "made" for celibacy, although i cant comment since i dont know you..

But look at what happens to people who try to uphold theyre so called value of celibacy..

Catholic Priests....Young Boys

If you can make it...good luck to you, but make sure you leave the kids alone when you become all f*cked in the head in 5 years.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by regulus
I give up. I'm taking a vow of celibacy. I know that some of you think it's crazy. Considering that I'm a 22 yr old virgin, it's not. I'm sick and tired of arguing with these broads. I'm sick and tired of *****ing with my friends. It's just a waste of time and resources. Sure, I've helped plenty of other people and gained respect many men, both in the real world and online, but it's got to end. If I had saved every penny I spent trying to impress a female (clothes, clubs, food, movies), I could almost put myself through this last year of college. The amount of air used up talking to and about these females could have propelled my large frame fast enough to run a 6 minute mile. My GPA would've been higher. Best of all, I wouldn't be so cold and bitter. All this BS is just not worth the trouble.

Everyone knows highschool sucks but I expected different from college. Every single year has sucked. I can say I'm coming out of it as a better person than when I went in but not quite where I should be. My confidence is way superior to the way it was. I'm secure with myself now and have just realized that the majority of people aren't ****. I'm so secure that I don't mind if the whole world knows that I'm celibate. I'm fine, it's them that are f-ed up. The local feminazis may feel as though they've won but they've lost. A parasite shouldn't kill it's host. All they've done let me off the chain so that I may live unrestricted. I'm raising all sort of hell now. I'll still be on the board to give advice to noobs, someone should benefit from my past misery. Screw courting these women, let them come to me.
You obviously care too much about whether you fail or succeed with each individual woman to learn anything from your encounters.

This is the kind of post I'd expect to see from someone who has never been on this site before, never read the DJ Bible, never taken the time to examine his perceptions of life and see which are real and which are false. Someone who's not in control of their life or their emotions...who's trying to prove something to himself.

Let me alter an alternative suggestion. Rather than creating defeat for yourself, just take a step back. In any competitive sport, sometimes taking some time off and attacking things freshly can lead to immense gains in skill and insight. Even in a job, a vacation helps refresh your mind and get you looking at things in new ways.

Stop worrying about women for a while. Work on your OWN out, take up some new hobbies, and try to improve yourself. Have some fun. :)

Victory is universal, defeat is personal. You are never defeated until you create a state of defeat for yourself in your mind. But when you are successful, you and everyone around you feels it.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Near Toronto, Canada
I think one of the biggest problems with people today is that they don't seek out what kind of person they are sexually and they try to live up to societies standards on how they should act and what there views should be. It is very rare to find someone that is truely in touch with there sexuality, most people live a fake life on what they think there sexuality SHOULD be. Having said that, celibacy is a perfectly valid form of sexuality and anyone who doubts that is very close minded. It sounds like you need to take some time off and figure out what your real sexual attitudes are and celibacy is a perfect tool to find out how you feel about yourself and where you fit in, so good luck and remember, you don't have to be celibate forever, just until you figure out what you want. It sounds like you thought that being a DJ meant you were supposed to act a certain way, and when it didn't work out, you gave up. Women want a MAN that is confident in HIMSELF, not someone who is trying to live someone elses life.

The ethical DJ - gt95ab


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Quit being such a goddamn yeast-infected puzzy!

So, you are a virgin? Big deal, that doesn't mean jack. What is sex? Well, unless you are having sex right now, all it MEMORIES. It does not fundamentally alter your chemical structure, it does not 'enlighten' you to the ways of women, it is only WORTH anything for about an hour, and then you are horny again!

Don't worry about it. You are on the same level as most other people in the world, because for most (young) people, sex is almost like mutual masturbation. Many people are too young/inexperienced/whatever to really appreciate the energy that is there.

Being with a great woman (including sex) when both people participate in the 'sexual energy' CAN be life-changing, but most guys haven't experienced this.

Sex, by itself, means jack sh*t.

Work on developing your maturity. No, I don't mean 'moral' maturity, but 'human' maturity/'sexual' maturity. Develop into a man; this includes becoming PERSISTANT, so stop being a f*ckin' puzzy and giving up on things. Stop focusing so much on women, and just learn how to live. The women come later.

If you give up on life, life will give up on you.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
Re: Re: bros i have an announcement

Originally posted by squirrels
Someone who's not in control of their life or their emotions...who's trying to prove something to himself.
I am in control which is why I can do without. I'm 22 yrs old. If I was gonna die from negligence it would've happened already. I'm making myself a number one priority.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Re: Re: Re: bros i have an announcement

Originally posted by regulus
I am in control which is why I can do without. I'm 22 yrs old. If I was gonna die from negligence it would've happened already. I'm making myself a number one priority.
If you're acting because you don't WANT to have sex with women right now, and not out of frustration (as your entire post seems to indictate very strongly), then I withdraw my comments. :)


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Austin, TX (it sucks)
Re: Re: bros i have an announcement

Originally posted by icepick
Develop into a man; this includes becoming PERSISTANT, so stop being a f*ckin' puzzy and giving up on things. Stop focusing so much on women, and just learn how to live. The women come later.

If you give up on life, life will give up on you.
i've been quite persistent. that's why i realized that i was wasting too many resources. something happened last week that changed my perception of my situation. i visited my mom at work last week. she introduced me to her coworkers and they acted like i was some kind of celebrity. why? because of the college i go to and the field of study i'm majoring in. i told them about all the stuff i do just as a student and they were impressed. i realized that i'm not a loser. i saw a school shrink for a while and we (me + his experience with other students) basically determined that the people at my college are trash. the status quo is at such a low level. btw 1 in 4 students at my school have tested positive for STDs. imagine if everyone was tested. my city has more HIV carriers than the 5 states with the lowest number of cases combined.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
With an attitude like that I bet you get laid in a few months.

Welcome brother - To not giving a F*CK!

It's as easy as that.

Now......if only the other p*ssies around here could figure that out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
You take care of your life and *****es will come.

let me try, you tried over and over, and kept spending money on chicks, and nothing happened. So you think this is the end of the world cause you didnt get laid by some ho. OH NO!

Get a grip, id recommend taking time from women, but not for a year, not for two. JUst talk to a woman as if she is A REGULAR person. Talk to them, do stuff with them, and dont worry about sex.

there ya go. now stop being a panzy ;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: bros i have an announcement

Originally posted by regulus
i've been quite persistent. that's why i realized that i was wasting too many resources. something happened last week that changed my perception of my situation. i visited my mom at work last week. she introduced me to her coworkers and they acted like i was some kind of celebrity. why? because of the college i go to and the field of study i'm majoring in. i told them about all the stuff i do just as a student and they were impressed. i realized that i'm not a loser. i saw a school shrink for a while and we (me + his experience with other students) basically determined that the people at my college are trash. the status quo is at such a low level. btw 1 in 4 students at my school have tested positive for STDs. imagine if everyone was tested. my city has more HIV carriers than the 5 states with the lowest number of cases combined.
Okay, lol!

It seemed like you were giving up, taking a chastity vow and all.

No, you shouldn't seek out puzzy at your school like a dog, that would NOT be good. You got your whole life ahead of you.

The Business Man

Don Juan
Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
I think I see where you are coming from, regulus. You aren't frustrated because you can't get a woman, you just can't find one that's worth a $hit...

I'm kinda in that situation myself, but I haven't given up. Of course, it's not that bad where I am at. I guess all I can say is good luck with your celibacy while you are at school, and when you graduate, get the hell out of that city.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Austin is supposed to be one of the best towns for singles, but if you are in a rut, acknowledge it and don't worry.

We've all been there. Just approach every women like she is a long lost friend, be nice to her and nothing more. That can draw them in easily.

Talk to these girls, like you would your sister or grandma at first. Then work up to the sex talk and kino. (Note for people in Appalachia same techniques apply to all parties mentioned!)