Broke up, she's still sending signals...


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
My girl and I broke up, it was kind of mutual, we had a killer relationship but she was starting to become extremely clingy and very paranoid about me cheating etc. That made me start distancing myself and we broke up about two weeks ago. Since then i've made no contact with her, but she has still called me claiming she just wants to see how i am.... she called again the other day to "thank me for everything" (AGAIN, for like the third time) then started getting really flirty and ended up jokingly suggesting that we should have sex and she kept on saying how she wished we could be doing it right then and there etc.

What do I with this one? She keeps referring to me as her "friend" etc. but she's throwing out all these other vibes. I still have some interest BUT i've never really been in this situation... I'll admit I am being my usual suave self when I talk to her, and she's obviously still hooked, I don't know if I see her fully breaking down and admitting she wants to get back with me... too much pride in her, but who knows?

How should I work this one? As of right now im pretty much treating it as a brand new relationship, starting the flirting, c&f etc. from the start all over again. Like I said Im making NO effort to contact her, when she calls me im going along with her flirting... then I say I have to go and that's it until she calls again.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
She just wants validation that you'll talk to her and give her your time and attention.

Though to find out if thats not the case tell her to come over when she starts in with the talk about wanting to have sex with you.

If she puts a stop to that stop answering her calls.

It will drive her nuts.

Str8up's walk away topic is so true.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
Reaction score
Planet of the Apes
Shes easing herself out of the relationship because in her mind she wasn't quite ready to break-up.

So she'll let herself down gently, play out the 'habit' of the relationship.

Problem is, she'll do these things to sort her own mind out but they'll start giving you signals of hope.

You'll grow warm to her again while she does this then you'll be the one who ulitimately hurts the most when she stops all contact, it'll feel like she dumped you.

Solution? - Cut ALL contact with her NOW