Master Don Juan
Obviously when you get a new pickup line you can't just take it out and expect it to hunt for you straight away. You've got to train it and let it run wild for a bit and sniff other pickup line's butts, and pee against the trees in it's backyard.
You've got to try it out and experiment , see where it will hunt and where it won't.
With that in mind I've been working on a general purpose conversation starter that I can use any place any time without having to think. Oftenttimes I don't have time to think of a situational convo starter and I'm not one of those guys who'se idea of a convo starter is just "Hi" (if anyone gets to meet chicks by doing that I'd love to hear how).
My convo starter is a variation of the directions gambit. IE
"Hey, d'you know if there's a decent cofee shop around here?".
"<Followup comment> , what's your name "?
and pretty much standard drill from there.
I find I can have a witty , interesting , engaging conversation with the dumbest girl in the room so long as I can start it somehow.
Now to my mind the point of a pickup lin isn't to trick the woman into talking to you or liking you. It's sole purpose is to break the ice and then if you're money and she's feeling you she'll stick around and if not she won't.
I also don't pretend that I'm that interested in where the coffee shop is , I want her to figure that I was looking for and excuse to talk to her.
So I'm gonna spend a few days trying this line out and refining it , and hopefully I'll be able to report how it worked and how to use it most effectively.
"Coffee Shop"s' first outing.
Try One: A blonde 8 , youngish, passing.
Choked. Dammit maybe this pickup line won't hunt!
Try Two: A brunette 7.5 , youngish , passing.
Hey man (I find I call chicks "man") , d'you know if there's a good coffee shop 'round here?
"Yes there's Zarbo's just up the street that's pretty good"
[Approach avoidance body language here]
So I took the hint , said thanks and went on my way.
I think the first few times may be diffcut until I get the delivery natural. However if I can get it to fly the it'll save me so many chokes that happen cos I can't htink of what to say.
You've got to try it out and experiment , see where it will hunt and where it won't.
With that in mind I've been working on a general purpose conversation starter that I can use any place any time without having to think. Oftenttimes I don't have time to think of a situational convo starter and I'm not one of those guys who'se idea of a convo starter is just "Hi" (if anyone gets to meet chicks by doing that I'd love to hear how).
My convo starter is a variation of the directions gambit. IE
"Hey, d'you know if there's a decent cofee shop around here?".
"<Followup comment> , what's your name "?
and pretty much standard drill from there.
I find I can have a witty , interesting , engaging conversation with the dumbest girl in the room so long as I can start it somehow.
Now to my mind the point of a pickup lin isn't to trick the woman into talking to you or liking you. It's sole purpose is to break the ice and then if you're money and she's feeling you she'll stick around and if not she won't.
I also don't pretend that I'm that interested in where the coffee shop is , I want her to figure that I was looking for and excuse to talk to her.
So I'm gonna spend a few days trying this line out and refining it , and hopefully I'll be able to report how it worked and how to use it most effectively.
"Coffee Shop"s' first outing.
Try One: A blonde 8 , youngish, passing.
Choked. Dammit maybe this pickup line won't hunt!
Try Two: A brunette 7.5 , youngish , passing.
Hey man (I find I call chicks "man") , d'you know if there's a good coffee shop 'round here?
"Yes there's Zarbo's just up the street that's pretty good"
[Approach avoidance body language here]
So I took the hint , said thanks and went on my way.
I think the first few times may be diffcut until I get the delivery natural. However if I can get it to fly the it'll save me so many chokes that happen cos I can't htink of what to say.