break up advice..


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
broke up after an awesome 1 yr relation.... for no reason... maybe needed space as we spent too much time together..

she tried callin after a few days... i asked her not to... as i was tryin to move on...

very strong headed woman... might never call again...

strategy to get her bk ??


Senior Don Juan
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
It's all right........ if u have a good time!
Think you missed the point of this site man. But anyway your post is unclear

If you broke up with her - men stick to their decisions
If she broke up with you - men respect themselves

Either way, you are not getting her back


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
well the point of this site seems to help only in the approach...

Now i'm in a dilemna where i got the girl... we broke up for no reason... and i wanna deal with it in a DJ way to get her back...

Amongst all the women approached and been with thanks to here is one i wanna keep.... anything wrong in that ?


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
studioworks said:
well the point of this site seems to help only in the approach...

Now i'm in a dilemna where i got the girl... we broke up for no reason... and i wanna deal with it in a DJ way to get her back...

Amongst all the women approached and been with thanks to here is one i wanna keep.... anything wrong in that ?
No, he's giving you the advice you need.

The point of this site is to help you be a man.

Be a man. Why do you want to get back with a girl that has broken up with you? Are you a *****? Can you not get another girl? Is she the only girl in your city?

The most use she is to you now is a side plate.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
You guys aint getting the point....

Fine i used the DJ tactics and got the woman... we had an awesome relation... now she broke up wid me... for no apparent reason... maybe just PMS

anywayz... after a few days she called... i asked her not too as i wanted to move on...

but i've realised shez one for keeps and wanna get her bk... any suggestions ?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
studioworks said:
You guys aint getting the point....

Fine i used the DJ tactics and got the woman... we had an awesome relation... now she broke up wid me... for no apparent reason... maybe just PMS

anywayz... after a few days she called... i asked her not too as i wanted to move on...

but i've realised shez one for keeps and wanna get her bk... any suggestions ?
My advice is don't try and get her back. And if she ever wants to get back with you then don't take her back either. She broke up with you once, she'll do it again. Move on.

But since you won't take that advice then your best bet is to not contact her and see if she contacts you to get back together. If she still wants to be with you then she'll contact you, probably in a short amount of time. But if you don't hear from her in a couple weeks than move on. And go out and meet other women in the meantime.

But like I said at the start don't even bother doing that, just move on and find other women.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
studioworks said:
well the point of this site seems to help only in the approach...

Now i'm in a dilemna where i got the girl... we broke up for no reason... and i wanna deal with it in a DJ way to get her back...

Amongst all the women approached and been with thanks to here is one i wanna keep.... anything wrong in that ?
The DJ way would be to move on and not try and get her back. Getting back with a girl who dumped you is AFC, no matter what strategy you use to do it.

She didn't break up with you for no reason. She broke up with you because her attraction to you had faded over time. She lost interest. She wouldn't break up with a guy she had high interest in would she.

She's obviously not one for keeps because she dumped you. Don't get oneitis for her now.

FYI, there is plenty of advice on sosuave regarding LTRs, the info here is not just about approaching at all.

Read through some other threads and I think you'll realize the other guys above advice was the best you're gonna get. But I'll say it again so there's no confusion: Don't try and get her back, and don't take her back if she suddenly decides she wants you again. Move on with your self-respect and dignity intact and be happy that you shared a good year with this girl. Learn from the experience and know that if you got this girl then you can get another girl.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2010
Reaction score
I respect each and every word of advise coming from you guys.. thanks...

what i've decided is to not make any contact WHATSOEVER for 2 weeks and then take it from there...

All this effort only because it really was beautiful and is soo worth it.... had enuf relations in life to recognize that...

Getting more women is not a problem at all here.... :)

Question - I had thot of not even responding to any attempts of contacting me made by her in this period... your advise on that ?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Your plan's gonna fail on a couple of levels. One, if you end up contacting her and try to get back with her she'll see you as a *****. And two, in 2 weeks time she'll be ****ing some new guy (that is if she isn't already).

In general, trying to get back with her is a bad idea. Even if she contacted you begging to get back together it wouldn't last, she'll just eventually break up with you again. So don't contact her. If she contacts you than do whatever you want since your not gonna move on it seems. But whatever you do don't contact her, you'll just be a ***** then.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
You can lead a horse to water.....


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
starplayer said:
The DJ way would be to move on and not try and get her back. Getting back with a girl who dumped you is AFC, no matter what strategy you use to do it.

She didn't break up with you for no reason. She broke up with you because her attraction to you had faded over time. She lost interest. She wouldn't break up with a guy she had high interest in would she.

She's obviously not one for keeps because she dumped you. Don't get oneitis for her now.

FYI, there is plenty of advice on sosuave regarding LTRs, the info here is not just about approaching at all.

Read through some other threads and I think you'll realize the other guys above advice was the best you're gonna get. But I'll say it again so there's no confusion: Don't try and get her back, and don't take her back if she suddenly decides she wants you again. Move on with your self-respect and dignity intact and be happy that you shared a good year with this girl. Learn from the experience and know that if you got this girl then you can get another girl.
you need to reread this post. its the most important aspect that you need to realize, especially with the loss of interest.

with that said there is only one way to get her back. thats doing no contact. do not call her or email her or text her. the point behind this is it increases her interest level (hopefully) because of scarcity. In 2 months or so she probably will call you or text you. you appear confident and unaffected by the break up and you will be good. interest level should go back up.

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Screw these guys - I have the #1 SECRET you need to know when trying to get your ex back.

Just watch the video I posted at the following link on YouTube:

Hope this helps!

-Non Juan


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
She hooked you and pulled you in the boat. SHE thought you were too small and tossed you back. NOW you are asking us to help you jump back in the boat,so she can judge you again[and toss you back again]