break in a relationship


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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Do you believe in breaks in a relationship? I mean, I was seing this chick who got dumped by her boyfriend four months ago. They kept in contact, kept texting etc during this time but then I appeared. She liked me, told me how confused she was etc, how she still had feelings for her ex..but that was no obstacle to have sex with me. We saw each other for a month, had sex etc, and then she decided to go back with her ex boyfriend whom she still 'loved' as she said. you think these kind of couples will remain together after what happened? I mean, the girl having sex with another dude during the break etc?

Would to accept it? I would not for sure.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
The only time I believe in breaks is if the guy initiates it from being an AFC toward the relationship and wants to recover from that state. Obviously there's the risk of her "cheating" but that's the fault of you being an AFC and destroying her attraction towards you. But if nothing changes after the break then there's no "break." It's "I might cheat on you because you're being weak and needy, but since were on a break it doesn't count, and since I know you'll still be there for some reason I might come back."

If a woman declares a break just break up with her right there- just ask yourself if you TRULY want to be with her or just like having her because she "makes you happy." It's a wake up call for you to improve and you shouldn't have anyone, like women, interfering with this process. Isolation is either a time of great pain or great achievement.


New Member
Feb 22, 2013
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Breaks are just an excuse for the girl to slut around. Rarely do those relationships ever go back when the girls suggests a break. She will still have feelings for him since the break was fresh if she wanted to really be with the guy she wouldn't be riding your pole.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
Hell-to-the Naw

pyros said:
Do you believe in breaks in a relationship?
Rex believes in breaks in relationships like atheists believe in Jesus.

pyros said: you think these kind of couples will remain together after what happened?
Rex would rather watch the complete Sex and the City and Twilight series before he ponders such b.s.

pyros said:
Would to accept it? I would not for sure.
Do pimps accept their hoes coming home without any money?

How you start with a b*tch, is how you end with a b*tch.-Old Pimpin' Proverb

"I think we should take a break." She's so laden with remorse, melancholy, and sincerity when she says it. Things have become too much for her of late. She's busy with school, she's having problems with at work, things aren't going right at home, or more then likely your "relationship," has been less than ideal. So in an attempt to free you from these "unnecessary,," burdens, she wants to release you from the relationship, irregardless of the fact, that part of being in a relationship is dealing with the touch times.

True of the matter is, dude if a b*tch (with the exception of the relationship being on the rocks,) ever cites one of the reasons that I just gave for wanting to "take a break," the b*tch is a muthaf*ckin' lie and is disrespecting not your relationship, but also you.

Let's translate the statement, "Lets take a break,," from the wom*nese. What the chick is actually saying is the following, "For the longest time, I had a feeling that you had some b*tch made tendencies. I mean, you were a little too clingy and you were all too willing to please. You would never tell me "No," on top of the fact that you never checked me. Sometimes, I would purposely do things to see if you'd get mad or at least make an attempt to correct my rude behavior.

So what I'm purposing is that we break up. I'm going to get out there, date, suck, and f*ck some new dudes and see if I can do a little bit better than what I'm doing now; however, we can STILL BE FRIENDS, WHEN NOBODY ELSE WANTS TO TAKE ME OUT I'LL HANG OUT WITH YOUR PUNK SIMPIN' :moon: , (ON YOUR DIME OF COURSE,) and I might even give you some every now and then. If I don't find anybody else, I MIGHT consider f*ckin' with you again.

For a woman even to approach you about some bullsh*t like this, she pretty much feels that you would play the b*tch and go for it and that comes from you constantly failing her sh*t tests. So Rex's advice is this, if your girl approaches you about going on a "break," agree to it, only make it permanent on your part.
-So Your Girl Wants to Take a Break
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