BPD arrested and out of my life.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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So followers of this thread will know what this about:


As I said in my last post, she turned up 5 mins before the cops did who took her away based on the text evidence of death threats and racial abuse.

Turned out everything she said was a lie including:

Father was a gangster multi millionaire. (Truth is he's a schizophrenic living in a council house)
Ex boyfriend was a multi-property owner, ruthless gang member with millionaire parents and ties to the Turkish president (he lives with his parents in a council house)
She earnt £9000 every 3 months from her weed growing business (not true)
And so on and so forth. All lies.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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way2smart said:
WTF? And you believed all of that?
Lol. Well not really. But when you are being presented with a version of reality and you have nothing to verify it with it's hard to refute it.

Only when she claimed she was in hospital was I able to call the hospital and know for sure she was lying. It was a real head fvck let me tell you.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
As I said in that thread you referred to, it usually involves the police before a man is able to fully eject. Funny how it works that way.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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Atom Smasher said:
As I said in that thread you referred to, it usually involves the police before a man is able to fully eject. Funny how it works that way.
Yup. I remember your post very well. Couldn't see how it would happen at the time. Now I do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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I think this goes beyond BPD. PBD is more subtle usually, probably a whole bouquet (how do you even spell this word) of disorders


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
They won't keep her in jail very long if she's a woman, especially if she's attractive.

Disorders can overlap; many people have several. The examples you give sound like compulsive liar. It's not BPD, but that's not to say a BPD could not also be a compulsive liar.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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Bible_Belt said:
They won't keep her in jail very long if she's a woman, especially if she's attractive.

Disorders can overlap; many people have several. The examples you give sound like compulsive liar. It's not BPD, but that's not to say a BPD could not also be a compulsive liar.
She was released about ten hours later with a caution.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Good call Sylvester!!!

Crazy's need locking up.

Never trust their word over facts. They are full of crack.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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I'm sorry, but that thread title is just you wishing out loud.

Yes, she got arrested but no, SHE IS NOT OUT OF YOUR LIFE. Why? Because you don't really WANT her to be out of your life, plain and simple.

You are still under her spell, you are still inside of her BPD vortex. Perhaps a little farther from the centre now, but definitely still inside of it. This thing is not over yet, you will fall for her hoover attempts or possibly even contact her by your own initiative, and more drama will ensue...

I know you don't wanna hear this, reading my post will fire you up and make you angry :mad: Coz you know I'm right... You don't wanna admit it to yourself, but you are a loooooong way from being emotionally disconnected from her and that realization frightens you. Your own weakness and powerlessness regarding this woman frighten you...

I speak to you as someone who's been there and done that, I've been in your situation more than once. Now, you need to get your head out of the sand and be honest with yourself, face the fact that you are not in control of yourself when it comes to her.

Once you surrender to that fact, you can start protecting yourself....FROM YOURSELF! In the Odyssey, Homer asked his shipmates to tie him to the ship's mast and not cut him loose even if he would beg them for it later on, coz he knew he was gonna fall under the spell of the sirens... He had to pre-emptively protect himself FROM HIMSELF.

Just like that, you need to admit your own weakness regarding this woman and actively protect yourself from yourself. That means cutting all possible lines of communication to her.

And please don't respond with that bullsh!t you wrote in the other thread, about how she works for an agency that your company deals with and therefor it's impossible to cut the lines of communication blah blah blah. That's just the weak and addicted "you" speaking, the "you" who sneakily comes up with false arguments to stay in contact with her coz he really doesn't want to let go of her....

Your company doesn't require you to keep her number in your personal phone, do they? So away with that false argument and all the other bullsh!t the weak "you" comes up with! You gotta erase her number, block her number, block her facebook, block her email, block the whole fvcking multitude of communication lines with her RIGHT NOW.

Then you gotta get rid of all the pictures you have of her, all the texting logs, and all the other stuff that allows you to feel closer to her by looking at it when you miss her. You have to take away every fvcking temptation that could interfere with the process of you emotionally disconnecting from her...

And to the rest of y'all: if you really want the best for him, don't respond to Sylvester's threads and posts about this BPD bytch anymore... Writing about her is just another way for him to keep her in his mind, another way of keeping her alive in his memory while he doesn't see her physically anymore.

Once under her control, the only way a man can be saved from a BPD witch, is by erasing her from his reality, ENTIRELY! His brothers should help him with that, which means we should not ENABLE him to think and talk about her on here any longer. Not even if he asks for it himself, just like Homer's shipmates wouldn't cut him loose from the ship's mast, even if he begged them for it...


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Why does it take the police to remove someone toxic from your life? I truly don't understand you guys 'trapped with "BPD" chicks.

And you went for those lies? Lol sounds like you're the one with the disorder. The way you guys talk about these girls man it's like you have no control or reigns over your own life. Like these chicks are masters of mind control and use voodoo to control you. It's time to get some accountability and remove people from your life whom aren't benefitting it.

What's the move now since she's out of jail? The only way she can leave your life is if she's in prison? Smh