Superman X
Crossposted from mASF...
This summer, I went to a three week summer program at the University of Chicago. I'd say that all HSDJs should go to these college summer programs. Why?
1. The new enviroment gives you a chance to break out of your old AFC shell and become a DJ. I had read maybe two chapters of the Bible and had gotten real motivated when I went to Cornell last year. After 2 years of not having any girls attracted to me, I became a fvckin pimp at Cornell. I made out with two girls got tits from one and finger fvcked another. At Chicago I also got two girls, which I'll explain in a minute.
2. If you're advanced already, you should still do these because they look great on college apps and its great practice for college. (college is going to be the ****)
These programs run 2-4 thousand for three weeks, and they usuall offer credit at the university you took them at.
But anyway...
I get to the University, put my stuff in my dorms, and go out for lunch with three guys I met pizza with. In line to get a table in front of us is a 5 set of girls, 2 HBs, 3 UGs. I start talking to one of the HBs, and she invites us to sit at their table. I say "sure" for all of us, but then it turns out that they get a table that's meant to seat two people. Me and the HB keep talking, my friends don't get involved in the conversation, damn AFCs. I didn't close because we didn't know our dorm numbers yet.
I meet lots of girls over the next few days, so many that I can't keep their name straight. Meeting girls is so easy at these programs because they're all so eager to meet people. People think of approaches like the girl is the enemy and would love to shoot them down. It's not, the girl wants to meet someone cool and she's going to be working to impress you also.
2nd day I meet this girl (I'll call her HB J). She asks me to guess what nationality she is, I say Pakistani. She laughs, it turns out she's from El Salvador. It turns out we live almost next to each other in the dorms. The next day she tries to teach me how to play handball, which people actually play in New York. The day after that there's an RA trip to a classical concert she's going to, she asks me if I want to go, I say sure. Heres: the important part:
This girl was obviously used to guys buying her things all her life. On the way there she's kinoing and flirting with me. Then when we get there, she tells me that I'm buying her dinner. I crack up, and say no, but if she buys me dinner she might get lucky tonight. She keeps insisting, I keep responding with C+F remarks. Finally she's begging me, saying that she doesn't have any money. I figure, what the hell, and buy her a chicken sandwich from a vendor.
Then after she finishes that, she starts begging me for ice cream. Of course I respond C+F, she keeps begging. When she keeps insisting I flat out call her a scam artist and say no. I play cards for a little while, she goes and does something else. On the way back I ignore her and gently push her away when she tries to kino me, figuring she's a goldigger.
This summer, I went to a three week summer program at the University of Chicago. I'd say that all HSDJs should go to these college summer programs. Why?
1. The new enviroment gives you a chance to break out of your old AFC shell and become a DJ. I had read maybe two chapters of the Bible and had gotten real motivated when I went to Cornell last year. After 2 years of not having any girls attracted to me, I became a fvckin pimp at Cornell. I made out with two girls got tits from one and finger fvcked another. At Chicago I also got two girls, which I'll explain in a minute.
2. If you're advanced already, you should still do these because they look great on college apps and its great practice for college. (college is going to be the ****)
These programs run 2-4 thousand for three weeks, and they usuall offer credit at the university you took them at.
But anyway...
I get to the University, put my stuff in my dorms, and go out for lunch with three guys I met pizza with. In line to get a table in front of us is a 5 set of girls, 2 HBs, 3 UGs. I start talking to one of the HBs, and she invites us to sit at their table. I say "sure" for all of us, but then it turns out that they get a table that's meant to seat two people. Me and the HB keep talking, my friends don't get involved in the conversation, damn AFCs. I didn't close because we didn't know our dorm numbers yet.
I meet lots of girls over the next few days, so many that I can't keep their name straight. Meeting girls is so easy at these programs because they're all so eager to meet people. People think of approaches like the girl is the enemy and would love to shoot them down. It's not, the girl wants to meet someone cool and she's going to be working to impress you also.
2nd day I meet this girl (I'll call her HB J). She asks me to guess what nationality she is, I say Pakistani. She laughs, it turns out she's from El Salvador. It turns out we live almost next to each other in the dorms. The next day she tries to teach me how to play handball, which people actually play in New York. The day after that there's an RA trip to a classical concert she's going to, she asks me if I want to go, I say sure. Heres: the important part:
This girl was obviously used to guys buying her things all her life. On the way there she's kinoing and flirting with me. Then when we get there, she tells me that I'm buying her dinner. I crack up, and say no, but if she buys me dinner she might get lucky tonight. She keeps insisting, I keep responding with C+F remarks. Finally she's begging me, saying that she doesn't have any money. I figure, what the hell, and buy her a chicken sandwich from a vendor.
Then after she finishes that, she starts begging me for ice cream. Of course I respond C+F, she keeps begging. When she keeps insisting I flat out call her a scam artist and say no. I play cards for a little while, she goes and does something else. On the way back I ignore her and gently push her away when she tries to kino me, figuring she's a goldigger.
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