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Borefriend Blasting in Chicago, but foiled by ASD in NYC

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
Crossposted from mASF...

This summer, I went to a three week summer program at the University of Chicago. I'd say that all HSDJs should go to these college summer programs. Why?

1. The new enviroment gives you a chance to break out of your old AFC shell and become a DJ. I had read maybe two chapters of the Bible and had gotten real motivated when I went to Cornell last year. After 2 years of not having any girls attracted to me, I became a fvckin pimp at Cornell. I made out with two girls got tits from one and finger fvcked another. At Chicago I also got two girls, which I'll explain in a minute.

2. If you're advanced already, you should still do these because they look great on college apps and its great practice for college. (college is going to be the ****)

These programs run 2-4 thousand for three weeks, and they usuall offer credit at the university you took them at.

But anyway...

I get to the University, put my stuff in my dorms, and go out for lunch with three guys I met pizza with. In line to get a table in front of us is a 5 set of girls, 2 HBs, 3 UGs. I start talking to one of the HBs, and she invites us to sit at their table. I say "sure" for all of us, but then it turns out that they get a table that's meant to seat two people. Me and the HB keep talking, my friends don't get involved in the conversation, damn AFCs. I didn't close because we didn't know our dorm numbers yet.

I meet lots of girls over the next few days, so many that I can't keep their name straight. Meeting girls is so easy at these programs because they're all so eager to meet people. People think of approaches like the girl is the enemy and would love to shoot them down. It's not, the girl wants to meet someone cool and she's going to be working to impress you also.

2nd day I meet this girl (I'll call her HB J). She asks me to guess what nationality she is, I say Pakistani. She laughs, it turns out she's from El Salvador. It turns out we live almost next to each other in the dorms. The next day she tries to teach me how to play handball, which people actually play in New York. The day after that there's an RA trip to a classical concert she's going to, she asks me if I want to go, I say sure. Heres: the important part:

This girl was obviously used to guys buying her things all her life. On the way there she's kinoing and flirting with me. Then when we get there, she tells me that I'm buying her dinner. I crack up, and say no, but if she buys me dinner she might get lucky tonight. She keeps insisting, I keep responding with C+F remarks. Finally she's begging me, saying that she doesn't have any money. I figure, what the hell, and buy her a chicken sandwich from a vendor.

Then after she finishes that, she starts begging me for ice cream. Of course I respond C+F, she keeps begging. When she keeps insisting I flat out call her a scam artist and say no. I play cards for a little while, she goes and does something else. On the way back I ignore her and gently push her away when she tries to kino me, figuring she's a goldigger.
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Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
On the way back, she sits next to me and acts all sad because I'm not talking to her. We start talking again, we kino each other. Then when I go back to my dorm, she's somehow gotten in and is sitting on my bed. There's nobody in the room and she's giving me massive IOI's so we make out. We end up staying up the whole night with each other on a couch in the lounge (but not having sex).

She tells me how this is completely "random". I'm thinking, no it's not, you fvckin jumped into my bed, but I manage to tell some halfway decent BS about some things that are meant to be, destiny, etc.

I go for tits second night, no resistance, so I go for pvssy and she lightly slaps my hand. She's like, wow, you move fast. I tell her we only have a little while here, and she says that all the more reason not to move fast.

Third night, her roomate catches us and it comes out that she has a bf back home. I don't care at all becuase I'm not planning on seeing her after I go home, but I don't want to make it obvious I don't care, so I pretend to be pissed. But then I say it's alright.

Things are going well for two weeks. I meet this other girl, about a 7, I'll call her HB Pacifist. She was talking about going to a museum, and I ask her if she wants to go with me tomorrow, she says yes. We go, and it turns out she is really intellectual and a left-wing activist. Later that night she asks me to take a walk. We end up making out and I actually have her pants off and am fingering her, right beside a path where people are walking by every few minutes. In the middle of all this she's like "please don't kill me". I'm like, sh!t, and I stop and tell her I'm not going to kill her. She tells me how she was sexually abused as a child, etc.

But anyway, I've given HB J a key to my room, and she walks in on me and HB Pacifist. I'd think it'd be obvious as hell what was happening, so when she asked me if something was happening between me and HB Pacifist I admitted it, and she was all upset. Which was of course ridiculous, because she had a bf. At this point I panicked and fvcked up. I told her that I would drop HB Pacifist if she broke up with her bf of 1.5 years. She agreed. What I should have done was say that I'm dating both of you, and told her that if she didn't like it, she could leave.

So anyway, I have to drop my other girl. I go out for three or four dates on the last week with HB J, and I always make sure to make her pay for herself. She's now actually sleeping in my bed every night, and I have to say, it's nice to have a warm body there to hold when you fall asleep. On the last day, I'm sure I'm going to lay this chick because I have no roomate the last night. She says she wants to hang out with her roomate before she goes, so she comes to my room around 3. I have her pants down and her shirt off and I'm fingering her, and she's really in state, but then suddenly she snaps out of it and pulls her pants back up. At this point I'm tired as hell so I fall asleep.

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
So when I get back home, she calls me a few times. She tells me that she wants me to come down to NY to see her, and that she "wants more than a hug" when I get there and generally giving me signs that I would get a lay if I went down there. So I make the trip to New York, and we go out to her mom's house on Long Island, where nobody's home. Once again I have her pants down, but this time she's grabbing my **** and rubbing it hard. Like, so hard it's not pleasurable. She's wet as hell, and I roll on top of her so my d!ck touches her pvssy, and she freaks out. She tells me she can't do it here, when she's a virgin, she wanted to wait until marriage, her mom always told her it was wrong, etc.

So in the end, I was foiled by ASD. I know I should have been more gradual and not have broken her state. I plan on seeing her again sometime.

But anyway, if anyone has any advice to give about overcoming ASD, post away

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
Acronyms for you newbies:

ASD - Anti-slut defense
HB- hot babe
UG - Ugly girl
mASF - moderated


Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
:eek: Cliffnotes!

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
Met a girl w/ borefriend. Made them break up, but I had to give up my other girl. I go to NYC to see her, but I don't get the lay.

But reading those three sentences will do nothing for you, if you want to get the benefit of the field report you have to see the whole thing.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Tallahasse, FL
Try getting her really hot, by eating her out and doing sexual techniques. I mean where she is about to cvm then stop. Do that acouple times and she should be dying to fvck.

Check out Sir_Chancealot's sexual techniques post.