Bootcamp started May1st, Week #2


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada

I am glad everyone makes such a great progress!!
Way to go, recruits!

It's the most difficult thing - to start...
Then, as pook says: Habit is all!
So... here is the good news: it's going to be easier from now on! ;)

Team final results for week #1: (To be edited as more and more people complete the bootcamp)

Recruits who advance to week#2: :rockon:
  1. FlippingFreak
  2. Migel (a lot ECs, 50 Hi's)
  3. JayCamx23 (50)
  4. evil
  5. thefonz
  6. Thomas94305
  7. SiL
  8. Genji
  9. Bourne
  10. OceanWindRider
  11. TheFlyingMan
  12. DJNoobie420
  13. Mission
  14. DonJuanHopeful
  15. Mr.****head
  16. Julian
  17. yoMaxPower
  18. fitos
  19. yrock181
  20. Precision22

Because it is the first week and because we started late, I am gonna make 1(one) exception for the guys who have not finished and put them on the tentative list.
You've got until Monday night to wrap it up!
There won't be any exceptions later on unless it's an emergency!
Monday night is here. I have almost 0(none) PMs asking me to not to kick your sorry ass out of the bootcamp. I am not your mother and I am not going to write each and every one of you a nice note asking to stick around. In fact, I could motivate you further, but there are too many of you and I just don't have time for that.

You either have the balls to follow the rules and change your life or you don't!
Here's the list of losers and excusers who failed the bootcamp miserably and get the boot part: :trouble:
  1. mr_elor
  2. stubbornlights
  3. johnmich
  4. Lo5t
  5. pro26
  6. Kerm
  7. theodoro
  8. Aquatico
  9. flows101
  10. FOL!!!
  11. Cafe_Noir
  12. jackapedago
  13. lifestyle
  14. GinandTonic
  15. fulllovepower
  16. Varius
  17. mountain
  18. dreamX
  19. jsmooth
  20. King_Tuz
  21. Rob_xd
  22. omyomar

You have to understand that it's YOU and only YOU who is responsible for your life and your learning how to get succeful with women. So if you start coming up with excuses - you won't achieve the results we all strive to achieve![/B]

Tentatively allowed to stay:
  1. Bay area pimp
  2. Don_KATRIN
  3. Ever Onward
  4. poohead
  5. Vacaason (need 20 more Hi's this week)
  6. MyWay
  7. Don_juan_jr
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Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Introduction to week 2
Recruits, congratulations on finishing the first week!

Just like in a military boot camp, we’re going to maintain this high intensity atmosphere until we melt the AFC out of us, and become the DJ that’s just burning to get out.

Purpose of this lesson: So, now that you’ve practiced establishing eye contact, and have got more comfortable saying Hi to strangers, this week’s lesson takes us into the next phase – starting a conversation with a stranger!

For many people, this is the second most difficult step, right after dealing with rejections. So if you persevere through this week, you will have attained an unbelievable skill… one that will serve not only in meeting women, but in all aspects of your life.

Week #2 assignment

1. First of all, read the articles for the week #2!!!
And read articles for week #1 if you did not have time to do it before.

2. Then, your mission is to go out and have short conversations (2 – 10 minute each in length) with 15(fifteen) strangers.

You can talk to them about anything, and you can talk to any person whom you have never spoken to before. You’ll find that it might feel a little awkward in the beginning to talk to strangers for any length of time… but after the first couple of times you’ll find that it’s actually a wonderful feeling. You’ll really get a rush out of this.

Also, keep in mind that most people want to meet other people and have conversations with them, but are just too shy or insecure. So in fact, you will be doing a huge favour to those people whom you decide to hold a conversation with. Plus, I’ll bet you’ll learn new things from them, and maybe even make a couple of new friends. And in this phase of the Boot Camp, don’t let yourself feel limited to speaking to only girls… speak with anyone you want!

In fact, if you’re a bit apprehensive about talking to people, you can start out with those people who are easier for you to approach. For me, this is senior citizens, since I’ve found that most of them love talking with anyone who would give them half an ear, and I’ve found them to be very interesting conversationalists.

After each conversation, write down in your journal what you thought of the conversation, and approximately the length of the conversation (estimate if you don’t have a watch). Once you complete this lesson, post your results, plus the topic of your most interesting conversation, and anything else you wish to share.

You have until Sunday Midnight PST next week to complete this assignment. Also, make sure you keep on practicing the skills learned in the first lesson (e.g., you can practice establishing eye contact with someone, saying Hi, and going into a conversation. However, initial eye contact or a Hi is not a requirement before initiating a conversation).

Also, a tip that might help you with this lesson, and the next few lessons, is the 3-second rule (You can find it on ASF). What this means is that when you find someone you might be interested in approaching, don't give yourself more than 3 seconds from the moment you are able, to approach them. Anything longer than 3 seconds highly increases the chance that your nerves will work against you, and that you'll chicken out. Even if you have nothing planned to discuss with them, you'll find that you'll amazingly have something to say if you can only force your feet to propel you to the person.
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Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Here goes the first report for week 2:
I hit the streets today. I didn't feel right, I wasn't in a social mood, rather shy. So I sat down let myself tune in. I drank a coffee. After that I felt really
great and friendly. Maybe caffeine has the same effect as cocaine ? :D. I was trying to talk to people with a mindset "I want to talk to somebody, anybody?". I think it is a wrong frame, it produces desperation and fear because you NEED something. So I switched that line and I walked around thinking "Who wants to talk with me?". This is a powerful line for me, however there are no people on the streets that want to talk to me :).
Things I hate:
- ipods (people can't listen to their own thoughts so they distract themselves and you can't talk to them)
- bums and beggars (it's because of these individuals people don't do EC and greet themselves on streets)
- cellphones (people use phones because they hate being together and they are too scared of being alone)

Later I went to my university and there I striked two conversations with some dudes. They weren't even 2 minutes and were more like an interogation, lol, but I never did this before so I'm counting it:

Some other observations about me (worth reading if you're in the same phase of life as me) -
I woke up today with a totally different perspective of life. Yesterday I watched "Fight Club", for the second time. This time I liked the movie because I understood the message. The thing that hit me in the head was Tyler Durden's words:
"Its not until you lose everything that you are free to do anything"
Wow I thought... I must lose everything that I thought I was up to this point in the area of dealing with women. I have to lose the idea that I am perfect, that I'm a ladies man, that I can use techniques to conquer the female kind. The more you go out and see the reality as it is, the more you ACCEPT it. This bootcamp is helping me accept who I am at this point and what I need to learn and do.
I was feeling very content with this idea that I have nothing right now. Several beatiful women stood or sat down close to me today, and they were giving IOI's clearly. Instead of getting nervous like I usually do and trying to think of something to do I just thought: "Go away I have no idea what to do with you". And that made me extraordinarly comfortable with their presence. Funny eh?


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
alberta, canada
Hey i got my Hi's done ocean, you can move me UP ! woot :p


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
Hey, I finished week one today with my "hi's" etc, got way more than 50, im dreading conversation week though. Tried to start today as well at the mall, but I don't think it counted so I'm not counting it.



Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
me 2


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Is it Ok if I start a convo under a pretense of something else? I walked past a cab driver waiting outside a restaurant last night and I asked him hey do you know any good bars around this area.

Then I asked him "how's the night been?", and we went on for about a minute before he told me about the bars.


The biggest problem for me, though, is that despite week 1, I'm still waiting for the "right time" to do things with chicks. During week 1, I picked up a girl at hungry jack's here's what happened.

-Went in, ordered a meal from her, thought she was cute. HB 7. Place was empty, so I could have PUed her straight away.
-instead, I went over to have my meal with my friend, had a laugh, but thought about her again. Overheard her speaking a different language, which I also speak.
- I went back under the excuse of ordering a second serve of fries, and asked her, "hey what was that language you were speaking?". She smiled and replied back. I checked her for a nametag, and she didn't so I said "No nametag?" She excitedly told me her name, and I finally replied " make it hard for a guy to know you huh?". She giggled and handed me my fries.
- I walked off again and finished the meal with my friend, then as I walked out, she said something to me, I didn't hear it. Ignoring it, I walked up and just said "I gotta go now, gimme your number." She did, I put it into my phone, and walked out.

Now I think the first bits naturally and that went great, because I wasn't
too overbearing and too pushy. I built a bit of suspense, but I also let her know subtly that I was interested with my "makes it hard for a guy to know you" comment.

I think my final asking for the number thing could be better because of the way I did it. But how can I improve the last bit and not have her flake out on me if I call?


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, that was way too easy this time around.

I got 15/15 in under an hour. It's 12:16 I'm going to get home to bed. I'll run over the details, and why I am disqualifying every approach I ave made in all of my bootcamps ever.

I finally realize my sticking point:D

g'Night guys:D


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Can I still Join is it to late


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Here's the good news recruits:
Half of us made through the week#1!
And guess what... We are the better half!
We proved that we have balls and commitment to go through the difficulties of the first week.

I truly believe all of us who made it through week#1 can stick till the successful end and
we can finish this bootcamp together!!


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
4/15 conversations already!!
for me, this is easier than the hi's.
& they all seemed to enjoy someone friendly just starting a conversation.
1 was with a HB too!


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Brooklyn, New York
Finished the Hi part but didn't get to come back to the boards for a while. Week #2 starts now...for me at least :woo:


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score

Alright, I think I've got the hi thing down now but I"m gonna keep doing it

I didn't get any convos in yesterday cus I wasn't in the mood and I was having issues with my family.

It's about 1:30 in the afternoon and I've got in about 3 mini convos that I started at the gym. Tallied together they all lasted about 3-4 minutes so I'll count them as 1/15. So intiation isn't really my problem at this point. I'm having problems keeping the conversations going, this has ALWAYS been a problem for me to do, to constantly pound out things to talk about. Should I just make the first couple sound like an interrogation until I get used to the doing this?? Like just suck for the sake of sucking in the begining so I can get over whatever fear it is I have? To just let myself come off as a little desperate for talk? Some advice would be great.

Edit:Maybe I"m just being too hard on myself and should count those mini convos as 3?

Blue Dude

Don Juan
May 9, 2006
Reaction score

yo mate!

I have been coming to these sites last summer and then I got a girl and then there was like no other chicks for me. So now, few days later after I broke up with my last, I am ready to get this BC finished ffs! Thing is, year before last summer I had a girl and then broke up with her, found this site, started BC (didnt go so well) the I got me new girl and never got finished with the BC. So today I come here and what do I find?, yes, a BC week 2 IN PROGRESS! Now, I know how this **** works and I want IN! I will be doing week 1 and week 2 from today togather and hopefulle I will be finished by sunday.

Am I on?


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Blue dude,
if you can complete both week's assignments by Sunday night - You're on! :rockon:

So chances are you're gonna find yourself another girl as the results of you going through the bootcamp :)
I am still seeing other girls AND going through the bootcamp.
It's not mutually exclusive.

However, it's the skill of being good with women we're learning here and generally becoming better men.
So you gotta ask yourself if that's something you want to learn vs. just getting a girl.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
My current count:

I'm having problems keeping the conversations going, this has ALWAYS been a problem for me to do, to constantly pound out things to talk about. Should I just make the first couple sound like an interrogation until I get used to the doing this?? Like just suck for the sake of sucking in the begining so I can get over whatever fear it is I have? To just let myself come off as a little desperate for talk?
That's what I'm doing. I can discuss contemporary philosophy or bring out the funniest parts of my life with my friends, but with strangers I suck. I have a psychic barrier that I need to overcome and that is the point between "I'm just asking about something" to "You seem interesting, let's get to know each other". As somebody wrote on these forums: It is impossible to not have anything to say. Having stuff to say is a matter of social calibration. Once you've done this a lot you just know what to say and do. But if you've never done this before you will stall every moment. I'm making baby steps with conversations, I'm still learning that people are generally friendly and are happy to talk.
Another way if you have nothing to say are routines. You just take someone elses words and say it. If you do it the natural way I'm sure you will develop your own routines but if you don't have social calibration maybe you can use someone elses routines? It is a bit creepy. What's your oppinion guys on using someones routines when you're a newb?

I got 15/15 in under an hour.
flippinfreak: maybe you need to raise the difficulty a bit for yourself LOL. Try for example: talking about masturbation within the first minute of an encounter ;).