alright to sum things up real quick, I'm 19 years old and studying abroad at a University in France. I've got an ideal set-up; a solo apartment in a really big city and i'm thinking about what i might should do to take avantage of this year I've got here. I'm thinking about trying go through bootcamp by macking on abuncha french girls. While I can hold a conversation in french, my problem is that I speak at about a child's level and both my vocabulary and grammar are weak. Because of that I lack a certain confidence approaching girls and I keep telling myself that i'll just wait until second semester when my french is a bit better before I start approaching. However, maybe i just need to start taking some risks..... I'll only be the american in france for so long after all. if any has any tips or suggestions i'd appreciate about what kind of approaches I should start off with or what my attitude should be i would really appreciate it.