This exercise was definitely one MBS and I considered "easy" in our books, however, I still feel it is necessary to complete all the steps along the way. No one should feel embarassed if this exercise would be difficult for them, because years ago, it would have been MUCH more difficult for me. Beginner or Pro, there should always be valuable lessons learned from a hands on exercise.
Since my thoughts were not clouded by approach anxiety, I gathered valuable insight on the state of today's society. Now, when I say today's society, I am speaking about the one that immediately surrounds me. I can not speak for different cities, countries, etc. I have noticed what I'd consider more positive eye contact when (in my AFC days) I was in Montreal.
As MBS mentioned, I noticed a huge lack of confidence in the people that surrounded us. Barely anyone would make eye contact, and most eye contact was nervous eye movement to view their surroundings. MBS and I are non-threatening looking (in my opinion) and were laughing and having a good time. There is no reason anyone should have feared being mugged or harassed. Employees are the only ones who had an open posture, and that's their job, it's NATURAL to them, as this should be NATURAL to a DJ.
This brings me back to a few months ago, when I was with a non-community friend. There is a busy music festival by my house every year, and on Main St the crowds are flowing by. We sat on the sidewalk, and attempted eye contact with every passerby. Less than 2% made eye contact back, and the few that did, were females, probably HB6-8.
Anyway, looking forward to future exercises. Constructive comments, questions and thoughts are welcome.