"The Manipulated Man" - Esther Vilar
It's only recently come back into print. She wrote it during the early 70's when militant feminism was really taking off, as a humorous counterpoint to the whole 'women as victims' mentality. It's premise is that men have been completely manipulated into living lives of slavery to support women, most of whom couldn't give a sh*t about the men themselves.
She still receives death threats about it today, and interestingly she received the strongest support for it from women, who recognised the truth in what she said.
"For a man, watching his wife become pregnant is like watching a butterfly turn into a caterpillar."
It's only recently come back into print. She wrote it during the early 70's when militant feminism was really taking off, as a humorous counterpoint to the whole 'women as victims' mentality. It's premise is that men have been completely manipulated into living lives of slavery to support women, most of whom couldn't give a sh*t about the men themselves.
She still receives death threats about it today, and interestingly she received the strongest support for it from women, who recognised the truth in what she said.
"For a man, watching his wife become pregnant is like watching a butterfly turn into a caterpillar."