yea.. i've been paying more attention to this too. the way you walk is reffered to as your 'Gate' and it is supposedly unique to you, in the same way a fingerprint is. So a lot can be said about you simply by examining the way you walk. the best way i can think of to improve, is to take a look at someone who conveys confidence, notice how they walk and incorporate that into your gate.
once i was walking around downtown toronto and i just happened to be walking behind this dude wearing a nice suit. something about the way he walked conveyed a lot of confidence. it's hard to decribe.. he pace was slow but steady it gave a sense of calm badass confidence..
i also notice that when i have my sholders rollled back it looks better, let your arms move freely don't keep them stiff and don't force them either. they should be some bounce in your step but it should come automatically and don't force it either (unless you want to look gansta :woo: ). I'm past the 'gansta' stage so im not really into that.. I want a gate which exudes sophtication, confidence and masculinity.. an example would be pirece brosan esepecially in his 007 roles, notice how carries himself....
well long story short... watch and learn..