Senior Don Juan
One thing that I found helps immensely is to learn to recognize the signals of attraction in others, and to control the subtle signals that you send. The latter part is much tougher, but if you can pull it off without making it look contrived, your chances with women should improve noticeably.
In general, if she does any of the things I'm recommending that you try to do, that's a good sign.
1) Eyes:
The eyes - "windows to the soul" - a person's eyes can tell a lot about them. Keep yours fixed on hers. Don't glance around a lot (makes you look shifty, nervous, and less than trustworthy), and especially DO NOT look at any part of her but her face and/or her hands. DO look where she looks, and at anything to which she is trying to draw your attention. If, unlikely as this is, she makes it clear that she wants you to look at some part of her body, don't look too eagerly, especially if it's a part of her body w/ sexual connotations like legs, chest, or behind. For any of these more sensitive areas, display some modesty.
One last thing - if her pupils widen when she looks at you, that's a good sign. If they contract, either it's a bad sign, or there's a bright light behind you. Avoid having a bright light behind her, as she will subconsciously register your shrinking pupils when you look at her, and might take that to mean you're not interested.
2) Posture:
If you are leaning in any direction, lean towards her, not away. Leaning in says that you want to be closer to her. Just don't overdo it
Don't cross your arms. This is a "closed" body position, and tends to imply hostility. Crossing your arms implies that you want to put a barrier between yourself and others, and won't help with making friends or attracting women.
Mimic her body posture. If she's resting her elbow on the table, do the same. This is a subtle sign of attraction.
3) Mannerisms:
Smile. Smile. Smile.
When talking to her, occasionally smooth your hair, straighten your tie (if you're wearing one), or do other nervous grooming mannerisms. This says "See? I'm trying to make myself more attractive for you!". Again, don't overdo, or you'll come across as nervous and fidgety.
Don't fidget, except as described above. Acting too nervous implies a lack of confidence, and confidence is VERY attractive.
4) Touch:
If you accidentally end up in minor physical contact with her (hands touching, for example), don't pull away. Don't body rush her, but don't cringe or shy away from physical contact. It's all right to accidentally brush up against her. The one exception to this is if your hand ends up touching a "sensitive" area, you should pull it away. If she turns to you and grins, that's a VERY good sign. If she turns to you and scowls or slaps you, on the other hand...
This is all I could come up with right now. If anybody disputes any of these, or has something they want to add, please contribute.
In general, if she does any of the things I'm recommending that you try to do, that's a good sign.
1) Eyes:
The eyes - "windows to the soul" - a person's eyes can tell a lot about them. Keep yours fixed on hers. Don't glance around a lot (makes you look shifty, nervous, and less than trustworthy), and especially DO NOT look at any part of her but her face and/or her hands. DO look where she looks, and at anything to which she is trying to draw your attention. If, unlikely as this is, she makes it clear that she wants you to look at some part of her body, don't look too eagerly, especially if it's a part of her body w/ sexual connotations like legs, chest, or behind. For any of these more sensitive areas, display some modesty.
One last thing - if her pupils widen when she looks at you, that's a good sign. If they contract, either it's a bad sign, or there's a bright light behind you. Avoid having a bright light behind her, as she will subconsciously register your shrinking pupils when you look at her, and might take that to mean you're not interested.
2) Posture:
If you are leaning in any direction, lean towards her, not away. Leaning in says that you want to be closer to her. Just don't overdo it
Don't cross your arms. This is a "closed" body position, and tends to imply hostility. Crossing your arms implies that you want to put a barrier between yourself and others, and won't help with making friends or attracting women.
Mimic her body posture. If she's resting her elbow on the table, do the same. This is a subtle sign of attraction.
3) Mannerisms:
Smile. Smile. Smile.
When talking to her, occasionally smooth your hair, straighten your tie (if you're wearing one), or do other nervous grooming mannerisms. This says "See? I'm trying to make myself more attractive for you!". Again, don't overdo, or you'll come across as nervous and fidgety.
Don't fidget, except as described above. Acting too nervous implies a lack of confidence, and confidence is VERY attractive.
4) Touch:
If you accidentally end up in minor physical contact with her (hands touching, for example), don't pull away. Don't body rush her, but don't cringe or shy away from physical contact. It's all right to accidentally brush up against her. The one exception to this is if your hand ends up touching a "sensitive" area, you should pull it away. If she turns to you and grins, that's a VERY good sign. If she turns to you and scowls or slaps you, on the other hand...
This is all I could come up with right now. If anybody disputes any of these, or has something they want to add, please contribute.