block ex on fb, or post pic of me with other girl?


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
My ex NC me w/o explaining why, after arguing. I tried to get her back the wrong way, messaging her a few times but no reply.. After 3 days I messaged her 'breaking up' due to her ignoring me. She blocked me, a week later unblocked me, 4 days later I tried to reengage and failed but she Broke nc and didn't block me again. This was several days ago and I haven't tried again.

My question is should I block her on fb, put up a new pic with me and new hot chick I've been talking to, or nothing? I would like to get her back ideally but next best would be to show off success.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
Post pic of photo with other girl because it will increase your social value for when you acquire new plates.

Block ex gf because you are done with her forever. You should disregard your ex at all costs. She's shown that she can disrespect you and still get attention from you. This will only persist. There is no going back. Move on. In a years time you won't even think about her.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
narcissist said:
Post pic of photo with other girl because it will increase your social value for when you acquire new plates.

Block ex gf because you are done with her forever. You should disregard your ex at all costs. She's shown that she can disrespect you and still get attention from you. This will only persist. There is no going back. Move on. In a years time you won't even think about her.
I was gonna post it to make her suffer too haha.. Would there be any objections to posting it first, waiting a few days then blocking her?

Or should I keep the issues separate? Block her then add pics for my social value?

Thanks much for the reply BTW :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
scoopshank said:
I was gonna post it to make her suffer too haha.. Would there be any objections to posting it first, waiting a few days then blocking her?

Or should I keep the issues separate? Block her then add pics for my social value?

Thanks much for the reply BTW :)
You missed the entire point of his reply. You should block her because you are done with her. You should not care if she sees what you post, or if she doesn't see what you post.

I'm kind of going through the same thing right now too, which is what brought me here. I forced myself to unfollow her so I wouldn't get any updates about her on my newsfeed, but I eventually just deactivated my Facebook account because I just stopped caring.

Just put a picture up of you and another girl and defriend her. She'll realize after about a day that you defriended her and she'll look you up anyway and see it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
New York
If you are doing this out of spite you are playing a pathetic game. Something women love to do.

If you are DONE with her deleting her won't be an incentive. Leave her and don't touch her again ....& you don't need to put up a pic with a hot girl. No matter how it seems , her and close friends will see it as cry for attention. Enjoy thus new girl you have and enjoy your life.

When people are TRULY happy , they don't need a Facebook post to prove it.


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2015
Reaction score
1. She NC'd you due to the argument. duh.

2. Why play games online? Why post a photo of other chicks on facebook? Just to make her jealous? More game playing.

3. If a female doesn't want to drink your spew anymore "F" her and move on. No games, no bull, just grown folks stuff instead of high school crap.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Post an honest and authentic assement of where you are at with this girl. Dont tell us what you think the forum would want to hear or have you say. Then real advice will follow. Cause when I hear spite, I hear weakness. Do you really want her back? Do you really?? Or... are you really done with her?

What do you, in your depth, want! If it is spite only, move on and dont be a girl. If you want her back, see the NC forum.

I just feel you are asking the wrong question here. Start your next responce with... I want.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
salinechow said:
Post an honest and authentic assement of where you are at with this girl. Dont tell us what you think the forum would want to hear or have you say. Then real advice will follow. Cause when I hear spite, I hear weakness. Do you really want her back? Do you really?? Or... are you really done with her?

What do you, in your depth, want! If it is spite only, move on and dont be a girl. If you want her back, see the NC forum.

I just feel you are asking the wrong question here. Start your next responce with... I want.

I realize my post is confusing on many levels, sorry.

I want to get back together with my ex, I'm not afraid to admit that right now I'm very confused. It would be nice to have a relationship again with her but at the same time I feel like getting her back would be an amazing challenge that could teach me lessons to help in future relationships. As well as boost my confidence and ego I'm sure.

So yes, I want to get back with her. Partially for myself, partially to be with her. Of course I can do better, but what will I do when I'm with someone better and run into this. My longest relationship has only been 3 months, but I've had a lot of them. It would be nice to practice keeping things together for a longer period of time.

At this point I have decided to do nothing out of negative emotions. I'm not going to block her because I feel it's somewhat a violation of NC (it sends a message, during NC). I have updated my facebook pic to a really nice pic of me to create interest when she stalks my FB, which I'm sure she will.

I feel I'm out of her league but at the same time got too attached, I want this as practice but also have feelings. I'm confused, but this is what I want. For me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
IF you think posting a picture of you with a better looking broad will make your ex start wanting you again I have news for you.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
You really have almost zero chance of getting back at this point, and you have not only completely lost your frame, but you have smashed it into a thousand pixie dust size pieces and got a giant leaf blower to blow those pieces into the ocean. At this point reassembling it is all but impossible.

NC. Doesn't matter if you block her. But I wouldn't. Your attitude should be you care so little you don't even bother with the hassle of blocking her. But most importantly what matters is you do what you need to for YOURSELF. Anything you do out of spite or to make her jealous will show, and ultimately only make you weaker. So it really doesn't matter what you do. You have to genuinely not give a fu*k what she thinks about it, and not do it to draw a reaction from her. As long as you are acting based on how she reacts, she's still controlling you.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Central Time Zone
Why the hell would you want this chick back? :confused:

Post up the picture, her hamster wheel will start to spin, she'll reach out once she senses you're becoming indifferent, then you go NC for the win. Seriously, this one isn't worth it. Just reading that made me want to :box: her.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
scoopshank said:
I would like to get her back ideally but next best would be to show off success.

Trust me,I played this game too.Not worth it.Delete, block so she doesnt contact you ever,move on and ignore.

Dont play games It is really really not worth it.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
Then I will try to forget her and go nc to get her back if she contacts me.. Good?


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles
dont go back to her at all. if she contacts you then ignore it. you say you have had a lot of short relationships so find another girl to start fresh with and make that relationships goal to last a little longer than your previous ones.

And as other posters have said, dont bother with games. I posted pictures of me with other girls and got my ex very jealous but theres no point to any of it. Just move on.