Blind Date for Prom


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
Alright So if you know my story or not. I had a prom date but that fell through 2 months before prom and so ever since I've been hittiing up all the girls I'm friends and chill with and all of them have dates already or are not going to prom. So I thought I would be left dateless till my friend had an idea of just going with one of his girlfriends friend. She's not to bad I give her an 8. Thing is prom is in 3weeks. I for some reason feel it's going to be really weird and that we barely know each other and have never meet. Plus I'm suppose to chill with her soon with my friends and it just weird cause she knows the only reason I want to talk to her is cause I want to go to prom with her but I haven't even discussed it with her or even meet her for that matter. So any advice on what to do?


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
DA KID said:
Alright So if you know my story or not. I had a prom date but that fell through 2 months before prom and so ever since I've been hittiing up all the girls I'm friends and chill with and all of them have dates already or are not going to prom. So I thought I would be left dateless till my friend had an idea of just going with one of his girlfriends friend. She's not to bad I give her an 8. Thing is prom is in 3weeks. I for some reason feel it's going to be really weird and that we barely know each other and have never meet. Plus I'm suppose to chill with her soon with my friends and it just weird cause she knows the only reason I want to talk to her is cause I want to go to prom with her but I haven't even discussed it with her or even meet her for that matter. So any advice on what to do?
Get her phone # from your friend and call her up...have some small talk and setup a date. While you're on the date, don't make prom such a big issue, talk about other things and try to get to know her. Have fun and show her you can have a good time. It won't be so akward after that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
It doesnt matter if you know each other or not!! My friends just walk up to hot women and ask them out and on the same day they ask them to the prom, its good I dont have to do that couse i got a girlfriend thats is awsome. YOu should just take her out, blah blah blah, then ask her out to prom, 99.9$ she will say YES unless she already going with someone.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
DA KID said:
Alright So if you know my story or not. I had a prom date but that fell through 2 months before prom and so ever since I've been hittiing up all the girls I'm friends and chill with and all of them have dates already or are not going to prom. So I thought I would be left dateless till my friend had an idea of just going with one of his girlfriends friend. She's not to bad I give her an 8. Thing is prom is in 3weeks. I for some reason feel it's going to be really weird and that we barely know each other and have never meet. Plus I'm suppose to chill with her soon with my friends and it just weird cause she knows the only reason I want to talk to her is cause I want to go to prom with her but I haven't even discussed it with her or even meet her for that matter. So any advice on what to do?
Regardless of the situation, if you are interested in her pursue it as if she was anyone else. Be easy going, and just have a good time. She won't want to pass up Prom with you. Take control of the situation.

After all you wouldn't just take anyone to the Prom. And, please, relax a bit. It's not like you are proposing to a woman. It's just a prom; take it easy, and go for it. It's all you - you got this, man. Don't over-think it and most importantly do not stress over it.

Just go and charm her with your interesting and unique personality. :cheer: