

New Member
Nov 24, 2012
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On facebook it seems like people are rather fond of posting cheaply designed graphics of things that other people may or may not have said eg; "don't let your past rule you" and "smile you never know who's watching" etc.

Ive begun to learn that nothing in life comes easy. In fact, I'd contend that a lot of us have suffered and sacrificed much to try and achieve whatever our goals might be, whether its getting laid more, getting in shape, or just getting that first nut in.

As I've said in a previous post, I'm 26 and I just lost my virginity last year to a moderately attractive girl last year. I don't talk to her anymore. I decided I wanted to learn game because my oneitis, my "best friend", actually decided to get involved with me romantically. That is, until she went out on a date with a 40 year old doctor. That was about a year ago too. I learned my lesson.

I've had a lot to catch up on in the past year.
I was a band nerd. I started going bald at age 17. I subconsciously avoided dating and relationships until my mid 20's.

I live in my parents basement and I work 3 jobs because I have a $31,000 student loan and a useless degree. One might say my negative attitude towards all of this is what caused it to happen in the first place. I hear you, but the bitterness I feel is a result of the things I've come to understand about myself, my failures, and the need for things to change.

It's not that I don't think things will get better, it's just that I'm not going to kid myself. This process is going to involve unadorned suffering and I'm ready for it. That's life, bro.

My goal is to save up 15grand and get out of this celibacy ****hole that is my current situation. Until things change, the bitterness will remain.



Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
A working man trying to come up is undesirable these days unless he's hot. If not, he's easily forgotten when the working man WHO MADE IT comes along.

I work 2 jobs. I'm not rich, and I just disregard females and acquire money.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
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So, you are young, have only a little debt, and have no wife or children to prevent you from becoming the best person you can be? Doesn't sound that bad a situation to be in honestly. When you, get older, you'll understand this better. Also, years latter you may find that the guy who got into the successful relationship with your oneitis was actually the loser, not you. It took me years to realize my oneitis was a relationship train wreck for any guy. I actually feel sorry for the guy who got to live with her and count myself lucky she didn't want me.

Best piece of advice is you are where you are right now because of your parents. Learn what strengths you got from your parents and what weaknesses you have from your parents. Also at your age, it's not too late for a second degree. Available women will ALWAYS be there. Get your life in order first. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
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not here. in the real world.
Dude, there are people around in life who are missing limbs, testicles, half of their brain ability. You do not have it that bad but I hear you on the sh1tty job aspects. Understand the economy is a crap basket right now. There are always options. I know that when you hate your life it is very hard to want to be positive in any way towards others. I started a business over a year and a half ago and it really has drained a lot of me, and for awhile I was getting really dark--and I saw this and am working to undo some of what I have created and get back to the paths that are more gratifying.

Truly you are not trapped, there are ways to apply for loan deferments and basically give you more time to pay. At the end of they day you just have to make your minimum payment each month, and although interest may accrue, if it allows you to pursue other things while not destroying your credit, that may be something to think about too.

Don't give up man. Refresh. There are lots of good looking bald men who are happy with themselves and with their lives. Start focusing on getting in good shape, focus on a hobby or a passion of something that really interests you.

One thing I encourage you to do is to look inside of you and see what you love. If you are living with your folks it is likely influence is all around you. Be sure you are doing what YOU really want to be doing--pursue what YOU really want to be pursuing.

I am a huge believer in if you keep following what you love, you will find happiness, you will find a woman....because you will become a man satisfied with his life and himself...

We all go through dark times of clouded confusion...try to use this time to re-asses...make a new plan for the future...something that really excites you...

Take a solo camping trip or something to clear your mind for a few days...go somewhere where you can really mull over some of your ideas and work towards a new path...

You'll get there man! Don't give up!


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
He11, as hard as you are working, Head to North Dakota and work an oil rig. They will work you like a DOG,but PAY about twice what you are making working the 3 jobs. A YEAR at 70-80K will get you back to even.2 years, and you can get enough money for a degree that actually does some good, ONLY thing... find a place to live first, too cold to camp in your car right now.


New Member
Nov 24, 2012
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Thanks for the advice and support, men.
I'm on a good path right now, just can't lose focus.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
Hah. 30 000 $ and you can buy a 2 room flat in my country. Or a house out of perrifery of my city.