Binder is opening.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I'm a slacker.

I wasted some time, hung only with the close friends. Life was as exciting as shoe laces. The error of my ways has been felt. Change is upon me.

I noticed something that I should never have forgotten in the first place while starting to seduce again. They are all the same. Hot girls, ugly girls... Absolutly no difference. I even started 'warming up' before engaging a hot girl. Sigh... This isn't a freaking chore! I went through the whole experience. Started with 0 girls in active persuit and quite quickly had alot of them on my hands. Once you have a few girls that are really into you, you stop caring about the others and it's suddenly not so important to make an AMAZING impression. And in fact, it was when I had it written in stone in my mind that I failed at my goals. Chase p*ssy and it eludes you. Chase glory, chase beauty and they will evade you. I was out for a good time.... oh my, what I got ;)

Realising that whenever we had people over at our place I was a great entertainer, I was wondering why I didn't do the same at school [anymore]. I figured it was simply because I couldn't care less about the people over or their feelings so I just let the whole act rip. I'm at school and I realised I was back at the stage where I started caring. A hard phase to leave ofcourse but I'm doing my best. When you start to care, you attach value to things and so emotion comes along. Suddenly you're looking around to make eye contact with your ex or atleast seeing her because that will somehow reassure you of something. Or that that guy hitting on your current prospect is a threat. Honestly, who are we? That's right, those guys have *nothing* on us. Nothing on us means nothing to lose. Nothing to lose means freedom to act. We must always have nothing to lose.

I seduced a few girls relatively quickly. I'm not surprised simply because the people they frequent are boring sh*ts so naturally, I step into their lives and BOOM! Now this is life worth living! Ofcourse, what I gain from this is a feel of my old ways. I know how stuff works, why'd I try the other side? To be sure, for the rest of my life. Back to the point, it's all grand to have these girls litterally falling for you but that's all it stays at. You can keep inviting them on walks or going to the movies but the time is upon you to STEP IT UP! What part of SEXUAL partner did not register? Make her horny!!! It's that damn simple. Don't be afraid to try something. Each time I step it up, I am surprised by the response I get. Utter enthusiasm. They want it just as much as we do.

A good system I like to use is points. I inform the chick when she's scored a point and when she's in the negatives. For example, hating star wars is minus point while watching family guy is +5. I always find a way to get them in the negatives and inform them that holding hands during this walk is +2 or things like that. Easily step it up from there. Kino is king. Work on your movements, perfect them. I was trying to get by to my locker but there was a chick in front of it, so I grab her waist completly absent-mindedly and slide my hand across her back as I squeeze through. She tapped my shoulder a few seconds later and she went in for the kiss right there and then!! I was in no way even trying to seduce this chick at the time!!! It's second nature now ;)

I think it's important when you're confident or trying to be, don't make it look forced. Don't impose an image of DJ. Don't walk around like an arrogant prick. I used to do that. Lately, I'm trying to learn some humility and it's been working out great. HB9 informed me that 'wow you're really confident. I don't know if it's an act or what but you're really confident'. My knee jerk reaction was an arrogant ****y+funny but instead chose to say (thanks Porky) 'I just work with what I've got'. It worked out so much better than any ****y+funny line I ever used. I don't show myself as a threat anymore, a force to be reckoned with. Not in public, not blatantly shown anymore. Humility is working for me. There's some sort of grace in it really. I enjoy it.

No stress you know? Nothing to lose, no one to hurt. You're just passing by. I started stressing stuff and that was no good. It just messes up what you need to do. I know it's hard. You only stress when you cling to perfection. To harder you try to hold it, the further it gets away. I let go. Things don't need to be perfect the way you see them. Because obviously, if things need to be perfect it means you've imagined it perfectly and that you day dream. Which therefore means you waste your life mentally masturbating. That's no good by the way. No good at all.

These are just some things I was experiencing over the last couple weeks. I'm getting back into shape you know. I remember reading this in the bible: 'Never get so attached to a chick that you can't simply walk away'. Remain in control. That doesn't mean not doing anyone favors or not lending him/her a buck for candy. It means weighing cause and consequence. Give people the opportunity to take control. Give it to them and see what happens. Show them that what they did represented a complete disrespect to you and let them know that you thought better of them. Yes, this is the complete opposite of my old theories. I am not here to pull the bad out of people and stick with the great. I am here to bring out the great in those who deserve it.

Many people are better than me. I accept that, I am constantly improving. I am also better than a great many people. My brother, a more seasonned DJ than I in matters of honor and respect, taught me that I shouldn't be bashing or closing the doors on those learning. Well yeah, he has a point. I must extend my hand in a peaceful maner. It is EASY, VERY EASY to upset someone learning from you by imposing your superiority. I've learned to talk to others as equals even though we both know who is what. You know what it did? It gives people the impression that although they have faults that you're evoking, you are not demeaning them for it. My brother treated me that way and it is just amazing how much respect that built. Naturally, I got rid of those faults and was comfortably walking by his side. He was proud of me and that felt good. It made me feel like I did what I had to do. I became a person he could trust with matters he previously only reserved for himself.

Greatness is learned, even earned I would say. You learn from those who are better than you and teach those who are worst. You could shut your door on those below you but those above you will do the same to you. Lighten up, the world is not full of evil. It's not full of retards who drive like crap.

There IS good in this world. I am only begining to feel it.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
how do you exude confidence without showing it though...can you expand on that?


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Good post, mate. Got a similar problem, but will post in a separate thread.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Ofcourse you show confidence, I was saying you shouldn't put an effort to show it. When necessary, naturally portray it but when it's not called for, it's not called for.