Biggest thing I have noticed about women in the southeast since being back...


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
The ugly ones (90 percent of women in general here) act like they are 10s and every single one is beyond demanding and overly entitled, at least here in the south.

First be fair, my current take on things is a bit limited because i live out in the country here like literally out in the wilderness and my closest neighbor is 3 miles away....takes me about 15 mins to drive into a town of only 25,000 people.

I do get a lot of IOIs whenever i can get my hands on some transportation since i have trimmed back down and am in good shape, but i am only visiting so i don't even have my own transportation nor my own place, so basically, I am heavily restricted to online game since i don't have any real means of staying in the city to go out at night. I can never go out at night, which sucks, because we do have some small pubs which i have pulled from before.
But a round trip taxi is way too expensive from my family's place.

But with that being said, I am just shocked at how overly entitled acting 3s and 4s AKA whales on plentyoffish here are. I have pulled plenty of numbers but none from anyone that i actually deem attractive enough to bang, with the exception of one black chick who i didn't have enough money to go see at the time so had to stand her up (lived 30 miles away)...i just do it out of boredom and then flake on them...the only other actual attractive looking one i number pulled started demanding more pics after i tried to date close and then went ghost.

In Los Angeles, when I visited my brother, it was much easier to pull 8s than it is to pull 5s here....go figure. I had 3 dates lined up with 2 legit 7s and one legit 8 all in a matter of staying for only 5 days in LA and made out with countless chicks.

I have seen many people complaining on here who live in big cities such as NYC, Chicago and Los Angeles even.

Come down here to small town hickville US and see how bad it can really get for people stuck in areas such as this where your only real options are social circle game to even lock down 6s let alone 8s and 9s.

Heck, it's very rare to even spot an 8 or 9 here let alone date one. There are probably literally only a handful in the city that's closest to me, if that. I have maybe seen only one legit 8 since i have been back here during the past 2 months....only one...let that sink in for a bit.

7s are the absolute top of the line here and they are rare and can only be gotten by social circle game or maybe online if they choose you over every single guy in your area. (i have seen only two 7s in my area on POF just judging from pics) I had forgotten how bad it was down here where i grew up for meeting women.

Basically, you are screwed in small cities here. Guys are battling it out socially for the small stock of 6s and even smaller stock of 7s. I have so many friends in HS who were getting lot's of puss^ at the time but are now married to overweight blimps because once most girls pass the 23 year-old mark here, they get fat as hell and wrinkled rapidly and get quickly locked down.

Good looking women are an endangered species here and any woman above a 5 can only be gotten by social circle game. Well, i did pull a 6s number who was cashiering at walmart here a while it can be done...just not nearly as easy as in a big city.

I did venture out to a college town with an old buddy about an hour away from me a few weeks back and pulled some good numbers, but those are too far away. I am currently stuck in the wilderness until February.

I am telling you guys this because if you live in a big urban city or are only 10 mins away from one, then you have absolutely no right to complain about the difficulty of meeting women. It's literally another world here in small town southern USA.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Exactly, I hate it when people from real cities **** about their situations. Come down to my southern town and you will see it. Its either social circles or pof.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
I feel your pain....i hate social circle BS and POF is only good for drunkenly laying someone who you will never want to see again.

I am off to a huge city of 14 million people in China called Chengdu around February 12 for a new it isn't that bad...just will be a long boring winter until then, though.

Wish I had a enough money left to go stay out in Los Angeles with my brother until then....that place is a gold mine of easy women...especially the Hollywood area. Easiest place in the world I have ever been to to meet good looking women who just want to **** besides Panama City Florida on Spring Break and of course the infamous Bangkok in Thailand.

I have lived on the outskirts of Taipei, the capital of Taiwan for several years and that place was easy as well, but LA has to take the cake. Hopefully this new city in China will move up to my number 2 spot behind Bangkok and right ahead of or at least even with LA.


Don Juan
Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
It all comes down to supply and demand...

I am originally from a small rural town in Kentucky. After living all over the world since then, I have realized that it is less to do with how they look as much as how much competition there is. Every time I go back home to visit, I find it hilarious because 90% of the girls I meet are downright fugly, yet act like they're a 10.

They do it because, even though they may be a 4-5, there will always be a line of guys who are 7-8s that will treat them like they're a 10.

When I was in the Army on deployments it was the same situation. When you would be on a bigger base or FOB, all these girls that were 5s suddenly had any guy they wanted...only because they were the only women a lot of these guys had seen in 12 months. So, naturally it would boost their ego to unprecedented levels...

We used to have a saying about that: "B*tch, you're only one plane ride away from being ugly again..."


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
i've said this before. I'm from little rock, arkansas. I lived there until I was 23. I pulled living in little rock, some cuties. I had to work my ass off but i pulled

i moved to del mar/san diego, I touched down on a Thursday night and Sunday night i had a date with a girl I met walking my dog down the street, hotter than anything i'd dated back home and she basically threw herself at me.

I have lived out here now for 7 years and i wouldn't put my **** anywhere near the girls i would date back in little rock.

My only real problem in retrospect is growing up in a bible belt small town with no women.