Big Vagina's FR - 09/03/05

Aug 22, 2005
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Went to the club with my friend. He introduced me to his friend from his city (They are both out of towners students). His friend seems to be a natural, like my friend but in a different way. More in a DJ-like kinda way.

We met up in the club with some other friend that brought his girlfriend and his friend (with his gf). After like 30min we lost them though.

within the first half hour of the night, My friend and his friend started to chat up these two girls on the dance floor. Next thing you know, the blonde girl gets close to me and she says happy birthday. I'm like sure! I, for once grabbed my balls and started dancing with her. I then grind with her. Yeah! :D (By the way, it wasn't my bday).

She then asks me how old I was. I said 21, then she starts moving away. I tried keeping a grip on her, but her and her friend left.

My friend then told me later that they said it was my bday. hahaha

The rest of the night was somewhat fun but pretty uneventfull, girls-wise anyways. I danced alot and had a lot of fun. I haven't clubbed in a long time, so that felt great.

Only thing though, is that I noticed a few girls, one notably, a blonde, that was checking me out. She wasn't like a 9 of anything, but definately good enough for me, like an 8, or 8.5? anyways. I pussied out and didn't dance with her.

Later on, my friend's friend, told me that the chick was checking me out.:mad:

My friend made out with a chick, and his friend danced with alot more girls than I did. They both talked/approached a lot of chicks on the dance floor.

I mean, that night wasn't half bad but I still failed in many ways.

What can I do to improve??? Reading doesn't seem to be enough.

Aug 22, 2005
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55 views and not one reply?


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
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who cares
what you need is more balls....less vagina


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2005
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Originally posted by undesputable
what you need is more balls....less vagina
Agreed. Ever see scarface? Remember the part where he starts hitting on his boss's wife? His boss tells him to scram, so he just stares up at his boss and says "The only thing that I take orders from is BALLS!" and grabs his crotch. Classic.

When she asked you how old you were you shoulda layed some c&f down on her. "104, ain't plastic surgery great! But you know all about that" (o.k maybe TOO ****y lol). I like the one in the most recent David DeAngelo newsletter.

Her: how old are you
Him: *looks extremely offended* how much do you WEIGH?!?

Remember that a hb can converse with anyone anywhere. What a dj does to attract a girl is be unpredictable, funny, confident, fun to be around, as well as being unpredictable and fun to be around. Did I mention you should be unpredictable and fun? Good.

Stop having "normal" interview conversations with girls you wanna pick up. Only do that if you're asking her name and for her number. In that case you should be in and out in less than five minutes.

If you "pussied out" of just talking to a girl you won't ever have the balls to flirt with her or lay down some kino and kiss her.

"Balls, Chico, Balls."


New Member
Sep 6, 2005
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you feel yourself getting cold before you have to approach a girl u don't know?

got a blank look on your face and suddenly overly self concious about every part of your body?

imagine how embarassing it's going to be in the next 10 secs after you say "hi" and she says "STFU, and Fu(k off!" and all your friends and even people you don't know starts laughing and pointing at you?

even if you know for SURE that she's interested, ur still scared?

err yea,.. i got the same problem. guys in my lair been helping me out heaps. i still get all the above, but i seperate my mental state from my physical state and approach or grab her hand or something and only allow my mental state to start working after it's too late... (does that make sense?)

keep my posted on how you advance and i'll do the same, this PU sh!t can't be THAT hard!

robbo from the brisbane lair once told me "confidence comes with competence"