Big story coming up guys:)


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
What do you think of the idea of making a FR thread? For everyone to put their success stories in for people to learn from?

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
I'm a bit late but aw well:)

I've been posting on because they disagree with me more and I get more passionate responses.
But anyways, the party: So, it was wednesday and our school organised this dinner dance thing which nearly everyone was going to.
I worked out, had shower got dressed and got dropped off like five minutes after almost everyone else. I walked in and my friends give me this massive "HEYYYY!" as I come up the stairs, this teacher whose cool with me patted my back and everyone just focused on me as I came up.
I was in the mood pretty fast, basically as the dancing started, and I was in the zone and really animated the whole night.
I just wanted to have fun, and I did by doing what I wanted.
I was up against the two most popular girls in our year most of the dancing, because every other guy was so ***** about it, most pictures have me in them because I kept just walking into everyone group and taking over.
I was fun, most people liked that, but one girl had a ***** at me.
"What do you call that?" Refering to my dancing.
"I'm dancing" I was lost at this stage.
Everyone in the group laughs, another comes up to me and grabs my hips.
"Here, you've gotta move your hips like this."
"I don't have hips." The third girls like "OMG, thats what I said!"
Second girl "haha, there, you're getting it, just move your hips more."
"I can't, I've got white people hips." Third girl "I said that too!"
First girl ended up being lonely the whole night, I felt sorry for her because she was so self conscious she didn't have much fun.
The girl who showed me how to dance did it because earlier I showed her how to do that 1,2,3 dance. Waltz?
The ***** girl kept trying to set up her friend with me, I think knowing I'd lets just be friends her (she's hot but she's a great friend) and we had an awkward convo where she thought she could make me and her friend awkward. It back fired because I talked to her like "What the fcuk, why are you interupting me, Ima having fun. KK, guess I'll talk." Then was really actionate rather then talkative to her friend.
Girls kept grinding me because they saw me and my friend were the centre of it all, my friend had more of an AMOG thing going, hes a little uncormfatable sexually. I was more rockstar and sexual.
I'm still not any good at party close, but the main thing is I had fun. Everyone saw me in every picture, I got along and impressed every girl and ignored the awkward moments so much they just disappeared.