Big Arms, Big Physique
Q: Is it true you have to gain a bunch of muscular body weight overall in order to get big arms?
A: Typically, you have to gain 15 pounds of overall body weight to add an inch to your upper arm measurements. Now, if you want to go from 21 to 22-inch arms, which is enormous, it'll be more like a 25 pound gain.
Weider writers claimed that Arnold used to have a 22 inch arm COLD. Arthur Jones said they were full of ****. Arthur Jones was right: The Weider camp was full of ****. For Arnold to have a legitimate 22 inch arm, he would've had to weigh 308.
If you're going from a 14 inch arm to 16, then 30 pounds will do it. But going from 18 to 20 inches will require more like a 50 pound gain.
Editor's Note: For more on this topic, see Charles's article, The Truth About Bodybuilding Arm Measurements.
Now, let's say that starting tomorrow all you did was arms. There's something — and I think it has to do with acupuncture meridians — that would cause your arms to stop growing until you restore balance. So in other words, if you don't put four to five inches on your thighs, then your arms will stop growing.
Bodybuilder Troy Alves has huge arms. We were talking about this one day and he said he couldn't get his arms to grow anymore until he started training his legs.
And remember, you have far more anabolic output from training legs than training arms. So, all these people who don't like split routines are retarded. If I train arms on Monday then Tuesday I train legs, my leg workout will actually make my arms grow. The next session I do my chest and back, which will help my legs and my arms grow. The point is that the anabolic response you get is systemic.
If your arms haven't grown since Hilary Clinton smiled, then don't train them for four months. Concentrate instead on chest and back work. You may lose half an inch on your arms, but once you go back to arm training your arms will grow right away and surpassyour previous arm size.
In my years of putting size on, I found that the best way to grow arms was to NOT train arms directly for four months out of the year. I still did chins and dips of course, but no direct arm exercises.