Simple yet so true. Looking at my own life and analyzing all the times I failed to get a woman I wanted the common theme was always the same...... NOT DOING IT THE ALPHA WAY!This sh*t only happens in the movies. Movies are fictional, entertaining, and usually cater to the female and beta demographic.
Always stay alpha.
Case dismissed.
If there's a woman you like JUST GO FOR HER! Don't over analyze, don't wait around coming up with schemes. Go for her, go for her strong, do it like a man, do it alpha style.
It's no guarantee that you will get the girl but you will have no regrets because you put all your cards on the table and tried your best. Not only that but women appreciate a man that isn't shy and does things in a masculine way. A guy that pu$$yfoots his way around is only going to be losing his self steam and getting embarrassed once he fails. When you fail by going for her in a strong way you don't feel bad you feel good that you gave it your best and did things the right way.