Best use of your time?


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2018
Reaction score
Need to say this in the right way I left my ex wife 2 years ago but not yet divorced due to the law. I left her but it still leaves a big fall after looking into red pill , mtgow etc while I've had many eureka moments and realisations what women are doing to the men. and how they assess you probe you its left me a bit self conscious because I see what they are doing - looking for advantage over you to see what your worth is to them and weather your worth the effort for them ultimately to fvck and invest in you.

I am at university yes (in uk) at 40 to take time out from the life I had and reorientate what I haven't done is successfully secured a date maybe not doing it right or OLD is just plain useless - full of crap no real people.
Its getting me down a bit because I feel Im not moving forward in connecting with females that said I am hard of hearing as well.
I had a house with land , had a business 2 cars and tractors and regular sex its a big change - I did leave her cos of her BPD bul**** and financial lies.why would you stay married for that - am only lucky that no kids involved.

Now has anyone got growth for themselves from a situation from depression to a successful situation with women now I haven't done anything as of yet cos of my studies and too much deep thinking and not enough doing - I should be going to the gym I should be getting involved in clubs etc but I don't have a home as such - Im in a rock and hard place situation where my mother is equally as bad as the ex wife. If I live near parents its a bad idea for me cos they will know when I last had a ****.

So its leaving it a bit hard to what am at.
I sometimes think effort for myself will work financially and materially job new house that will work and relocate completely but what about the female end of things. feels unreachable to me maybe Im scared of them. definitely seen a lot of IOIs but falls through because I dont act on it and expect them to do more - they should be fvckin working for it - cos they are capable of so much damage.

dont get me wrong Im confident at the best of time and a very good person to people but I think sometimes women want weak men who can be controlled and I think they can sense they can't control me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
or you are easy to control and you don't even notice that

btw why you say you had it all? you give it all to your ex or something?


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2018
Reaction score
I didn't say I had it all and no I didn't give it all over to the ex but funny enough I felt more grounded when I got married but I realised it was a lie and bul**** after bul**** coming at me over time now I dont get it anymore. thank fvck

But its left me at cross roads in life as well. its like which way left or right. ****in pissing me off really. see when u have pvssy and ur grounded u attract more women been there seen it heard it felt it. your confident with women cos you have a woman to go home to.
so you can push conversational boundaries without fear you can push your worth without fear as well. but its really a result of blue pill conditioning and grooming by females yes it does happen.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks markfromeurope your post is spot on I like the idea of upgrading myself. yes when your married/girlfriend the sense of desperation isn't there thats why your approachable - your trying to say fill your life with something that doesn't give you a chance to telegraph desperation to the women then the rest works itself out?

The other thing is in conversation theres a feeling that I need to do the talking whenever they talk to me I need to talk to impress then try to bring them closer but I also that it isn't worth my time or effort cos your not getting the lay at the end of it or the attention you want.

Yes focus more on me, upgrade me, sharpen up me the ladies will see im on my purpose and it just is there.

Its kinda like your thinking ok I get there Im fit , got my new place, got the looks, the car the alpha male move definitely can do that and its in my interest to do it body and mental health wise but when it comes to the ladies it can still fall flat.

I think also is the direction of what you actually do in life - which costs more in every way , property, gym clubs clothes cars etc you name it its for you but women must be attracted to that rather than just interested in the mans mind.

I dont approach by the way - but I do get loads of low level IOIs. interesting though - they dont like being rejected either.

I need to stop being lazy with myself too.