Best Places to Meet Women?


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on places to meet women? I do work in the fitness field but my gym is more a family enviornment. I posted to something about another women, and it just didn't workout. I just lost interest, and she is not for me.

I do like to do my work at starbucks to clear my mind. When I sat down last month, I was suprised how many pretty women came in there. I will be 30 sunday man and time is ticking lol. If you have any other suggestions I would appreciate it. So far I have the gym, starbucks or maybe salsa dancing. I'm a homebody, but I need to get out a bit more. Thx


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
That's it? Man you can meet women everywhere. The supermarket. The street. A concert. A bar. A comedy club. The taco place. Personally I make an effort to meet new guys too, because the amount of new women I've met through them is crazy, and so much more useful socially than going out and cold approaching, for me at least. A lot of guys spend their time just randomly approaching or trying to meet women, but there is so much value in just investing in a tighter, more interesting social circle, maybe with guys who are on edgier walks of life if you're a more reserved guy, as an example.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
West Coast
Find more dance venues... salsa is a good start but there are many other styles, and prolly lots of locations you don't ordinarily think of.
Take horseback riding lessons. I work at the riding stables shoeing horses and the only men I see are other horseshoers, and the meskin "help". You'll meet some awesome horses, if nothing else, plus it's a he11uva physical challenge besides.
Get involved with Ren Fairs/Pirate Fairs; women love playing dressup... and showing loads of cleavage.
Take a class in art history.
I was at a free concert downtown last month and there was NO babe-watching to speak of. Then, THE hottest dame in town got dragged over by her friend to dance with me. At the Pirate Fair, I was hit up by a HB pirate we-nch for a dance, because her boyfriend was being a chode. Just put yourself out there and opportunities will find you.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
West Coast
Find more dance venues... salsa is a good start but there are many other styles, and prolly lots of locations you don't ordinarily think of.
Take horseback riding lessons. I work at the riding stables shoeing horses and the only men I see are other horseshoers, and the meskin "help". You'll meet some awesome horses, if nothing else, plus it's a he11uva physical challenge besides.
Get involved with Ren Fairs/Pirate Fairs; women love playing dressup... and showing loads of cleavage.
Take a class in art history.
I was at a free concert downtown last month and there was NO babe-watching to speak of. Then, THE hottest dame in town got dragged over by her friend to dance with me. At the Pirate Fair, I was hit up by a HB pirate we-nch for a dance, because her boyfriend was being a chode. Just put yourself out there and opportunities will find you.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
The two ways I meet most women:

1. Through friends
2. At work (especiallly when you work in a hospital)