Best night of my life. Life is so unpredictable.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
So I was feeling pretty down because I f'ed up an opportunity with a co-worker. But last night fixed all that.

I was coming home to my apartment building when I see these two young fine girls sitting in the lobby. I don't know what made me say it but I said "damn, where are y'all goin' looking so nice". Surprisingly, they responded positively. Basically, they wanted to go clubbing but the dude hosting suddenly canceled. They had a driver (a gay dude) but no one to club with. I then said "well, I ain't doing nothing. I'll go with you." and they said yes!

Mind you, this is my first time going to a club. And it's a Thursday night and I have to work the next day. But my whole life is full of excuses and I said I'm gonna do something I never done before.

These chicks were cuban from Miami visiting the city for the first time. Nineteen and eighteen year old and sisters. One was tall and slim, an HB 8 and the other (the one really feeling me) was shorter, thick and HB8 8. She was nineteen.

So, we roll around the bar/club part of the city, find a cool place and I drank more than I ever did and felt drunk for the first time in my life. I don't like feeling drunk by the way. I felt buzzed before which I prefer.

Long story short, I end up f'ing the **** out of the shorter chick back at their hotel. First time I had sex in a while. Damn I needed that.

I always said that I will never go to clubs, but clubs are fun. It doesn't matter if you can't dance. Just look the best you can and wear some decent clothes with something noticeable and the girls there will check you out. Get a drink or two and get buzzed and have a good time. Chicks just want to have a good time (younger chicks anyway).

It was so weird walking with these two beautiful girls and guys on the street and the club openly hitting on them. The shorter chick was on me the whole night. Dudes came up and ask me when they went to the bathroom how I got with them.

They're leaving Sunday or Monday so I'm definitely given them a call Saturday and try to hook up again since we went on a Thursday night and places closed early and stuff.

Oh yeah, it's like these girls released the alpha male in me. I was rubbing on her booty, kino'ing like crazy, saying seductive sh*t in her ear, like I was a real stud. And again, my first time going out with beautiful girls to a club. It's like everything I've read and saw regarding alpha males and players was lying dormat until the right time.

(And here I am *****ing about my weight since I'm slim, but that really doesn't matter. I see you gotta have the fun personality and sexual energy.)


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2001
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
gonnamakeachange said:
Oh yeah, it's like these girls released the alpha male in me. I was rubbing on her booty, kino'ing like crazy, saying seductive sh*t in her ear, like I was a real stud. And again, my first time going out with beautiful girls to a club. It's like everything I've read and saw regarding alpha males and players was lying dormat until the right time.

Welcome to clubbing and getting drunk lol. Good job man. Don't want to be a downer but I hoped you wrapped it up. Club girls aren't exactly church girls if you know what I mean. But seriously, great job. Sounds like you had a fun night.

PS: Cuban girls can f*ck like no one else, huh?

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
shows you how when you least expect it... opportunity knocks. and, you did a great job responding


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
Out of The Matrix
thegspwarrior97 said:
let me get this straight,
you did it with some random chick you just met on the same night, someone that you don't know at all, and you consider this the best night of your life?



Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
TheSplat said:
Welcome to clubbing and getting drunk lol. Good job man. Don't want to be a downer but I hoped you wrapped it up. Club girls aren't exactly church girls if you know what I mean. But seriously, great job. Sounds like you had a fun night.

PS: Cuban girls can f*ck like no one else, huh?
Of course I gave my man a raincoat. ;)


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
thegspwarrior97 said:
let me get this straight,
you did it with some random chick you just met on the same night, someone that you don't know at all, and you consider this the best night of your life?



Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Australia, ?
thegspwarrior97 said:
let me get this straight,
you did it with some random chick you just met on the same night, someone that you don't know at all, and you consider this the best night of your life?

You fail at life.