Seriously, go and play / buy (it should be real cheap) Killzone ONE first, it's awful. Killzone 2 is just a tech demo to fool more people into getting a PS3. Sony is all flash no substance now, kinda sad.
My most anticipated game is Race Pro on 360, but that's only because i'm a huge racing game fan, this is set to blow Forza 2 out of the water in terms of realistic driving physics and challenge, and Forza already made Gran Turismo feel like a babies game. Other games i'm looking forward to are House of the Dead: Overkill and Mad World both on Wii. They look so damn fun.
Oh yeah and I know nobody here has a DS because it's a girly system, but I want that awesome sounding DS game SCRIBBLENAUTS! Lets you write any object from the dictionary (yes every SINGLE word they claim) and the objects will appear on screen and you use any item you want to solve different puzzles in your own way, I really hope that turns out well, has hilarious potential.